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Chemical Engineering

Double degree programme with Technical University of Košice, Slovakia

Double degree programme with the University of Bologna, Italy

Doctoral studies in Chemical engineering are a traditional, research-based, usually four-year, doctoral degree program, which provides:
* A thorough grounding in the fundamental principles of chemical engineering, as well as an intensive research experience;
* A mentoring-intensive environment with co-supervision flexibility, allowing students to work with the outstanding Lithuanian scientist of their field;
* The real-world experience through an experimental and practical assignments, hands-on operation of the modern pilot scale equipment and analytical techniques;
* The accessibility to a modern computer technology enabling the process modelling, simulation and control;
* The accessibility to a wide-range of seminars, conferences and scientific workshops.

Cycle Third cycle
Language Lithuanian, English
Duration 4 y.
Degree awarded Doctor of Science

Doctoral School
Student Info Center
Studentų st. 50
LT-51368, Kaunas

Research topics

Topic title Possible scientific supervisors Source of funding
Aditive nano and microfibre technology for the enhancement of aerosol filtration process
prof. dr. Dainius Martuzevičius state-funded
Aldehyde dehydrogenase engineering for improved biosynthesis
prof. dr. Naglis Malys state-funded
Influence of an amorphous titanium dioxide additive on the formation and properties of low-base calcium silicate hydrates doc. dr. Anatolijus Eisinas state-funded
Studies of responsive biopolymeric derivatives
prof. dr. Ramunė Rutkaitė state-funded
Encapsulation of bioactive compounds in biopolymeric matrices doc. dr. Vesta Navikaitė-Šnipaitienė state-funded
Development and Optimization of Biopolymer Scaffolds for Culturing Artificial Meat
m. d. dr. Darius Čiužas state-funded
Polysaccharide Based Biodegradable Thermoplastic Materials doc. dr. Laura Pečiulytė state-funded
Synthesis and properties of calcium silicate binders hardening in the CO2 environment
prof. dr. Raimundas Šiaučiūnas state-funded
Multifunctional calcium silicates: synthesis, structure modification and innovative application solutions prof. dr. Kęstutis Baltakys state-funded
Heat-resistant materials and products from calcium silicate hydrates
prof. dr. Raimundas Šiaučiūnas state-funded
Replacement of harmful substances with bioactive ones in preservation, pretanning and tanning processes to develop environmentally friendly leather treatment technologies. prof. dr. Virgilijus Valeika state-funded
Evaluation of the composition and functional properties of wheat antimicrobial compounds extracted from secondary starch production products and their application to the development of gluten-free functional products for rational personalized nutrition and protective biopolymeric edible films vyresn. m. d. dr. Lina Vaičiulytė state-funded
Development of innovative fermentation processes for macroalgal biomass valorization into functional components
doc. dr. Michail Syrpas state-funded
Development and Engineering of Nanofibrous Polymer Matrices for Controlled Release of Pyrazole-Derived Photosensitizers in Photodynamic Cancer Therapy
vyr. m. d. dr. Tadas Prasauskas state-funded
Development of a novel encapsulation system for structuring and stabilisation of food-ink after 3D printing doc. dr. Viktorija Eisinaitė state-funded
Development of new thermoplastic biocomposites
doc. dr. Joana Bendoraitienė state-funded
Development of Advanced Materials and Coatings for Sustainable Energy Conversion and Environmental Catalysis
doc. dr. Agnė Šulčiūtė state-funded
Production of extracts from plants of genus Menyanthaceae and their application in the development of functional products
prof. dr. Vaida Kitrytė-Syrpa state-funded
Using rational food design to develop food systems with high nutritional value for different consumer groups doc. dr. Viktorija Eisinaitė state-funded
Synthesis of layered silicate compounds (CaO/SiO2=1.0-1.5) for anion adsorption
doc. dr. Tadas Dambrauskas state-funded
Development of new glass-forming materials for doping-free hole transporting layers of optoelectronic devices doc. dr. Audrius Bučinskas state-funded
Smart biopolymers for light-based manufacturing technologies
prof. dr. Jolita Ostrauskaitė state-funded
Efficient hole transporting compounds with low ionization potentials for perovskite solar cells
vyresn. m. d. dr. Asta Dabulienė state-funded
Download the list



Entry requirements

Minimum requirements

Persons with a Master’s Degree or equivalent degree of higher education may participate in an open competition for admission to doctoral studies.  

Applicants to the doctoral field of science are accepted by competition according to the competition score. Minimum Competition Score 8.0

Additional conditions:
1. An applicant must provide bachelor qualification diploma and it’s supplement

2. The sum of ECTS credits for the subjects in the fields of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering completed during the first and second cycle University studies must be ≥ 30

3. One of the submitted recommendations has to be written by the supervisor of the topic


Application procedure

Mandatory documents for admission:

  • Application indicating the science field, the topic and the form of funding (online)*
  • Official legalised Bachelor’s and Master’s diplomas with the diplomas supplements or a higher education degree equivalents and academic transcripts (translated into English or Lithuanian and notary verified) and the certificate of recognition if higher education qualification acquired abroad (the sum of ECTS credits for the subjects in the fields of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering completed during the first and second cycle University studies is ≥ 30)
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Recommendations by two researchers of the relevant science field (one of the submitted recommendations by scientists has to be written by the supervisor of the topic)
  • A list of the research works with a full bibliographic description and copies thereof; if no research works by the applicant are presented, the applicant is required to present a research paper whose topic is consistent with the dissertation topic indicated in the applicant’s application (if the applicant applies to dissertation two topics, two individual research papers have to be submitted)
  • A copy of a valid personal document: a passport (for citizens of all countries) or an ID card (only for citizens of the European Union)
  • A copy of the receipt of the application fee payment (50 EUR for EU citizens, and 120 EUR for non-EU citizens)
  • A certificate issued by IELTS, TOEFL, CERF or any other competent institution within the last 2 years certifying the level of the English language if the candidate is not a graduate of the first or second cycle studies conducted in the English language

* The applicant can select no more than 2 (two) research fields and no more than 2 (two) topics per science field.

Participation in motivational interview  (Kaunas University of Technology, Studentų g. 50, Kaunas, Lithuania or online)

Signing a study agreement (if invited to study)


Selection criteria and their weighted coefficients

Weighted grade point average of the Master’s diploma supplement


Research experience

Research experience to be evaluated: scientific publications or a research paper, other research experience, scientific qualifications, compliance of scientific publications and research experience with the topic of doctoral studies


Recommendations by scientists

One of the submitted recommendations has to be written by the supervisor of the topic


Motivational interview, including evaluation of the knowledge of a foreign language




Study programme modules




Doctoral School
Student Info Center
Studentų st. 50
LT-51368, Kaunas