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Possibilities to attain European PhD (Doctor Europeus) in partnership with PCAM (Physics and Chemistry of Advanced Materials Network)

Objective of doctoral study programme in chemistry is training doctors of science, who are ready for research career, able to work as scientists and educators. The programme aims to expand their knowledge in chemistry and related fields, at the same time developing their skills of critical thinking, creativity, training their ability to seek original and independent solutions.
The study program lasts 4 years and is completed by a public defense of doctoral dissertation. The program of study is adapted to the needs of individual students, depending on their prior training and research interests. Study and research opportunities for doctoral students are comprehensive and interdisciplinary, covering inorganic, organic, inorganic, physical, analytical, computational, and theoretical chemistry, food chemistry, materials chemistry, atmospheric and environmental chemistry. Research is typically started during the first year of study. However, during the first two years of studies, PhD students also have to take doctoral modules in broad areas or special topics (30 ECTS in total). Subsequent years focus on thesis research only and writing the dissertation. Original research, performed under the direction of a supervisor and consultants, plays a major role in this degree. The ground of the final dissertation has to be based on at least 2 published original scientific publications (one of them may be accepted only for publication) in high rank international chemistry or material science journals, where the PhD student must be the first author of the article, and the corresponding presentations in international scientific conferences.

Cycle Third cycle
Language Lithuanian, English
Duration 4 y.
Degree awarded Doctor of Science

Doctoral School
Student Info Center
Studentų st. 50
LT-51368, Kaunas

Research topics

Topic title Possible scientific supervisors Source of funding
Studies of responsive biopolymeric derivatives
prof. dr. Ramunė Rutkaitė state-funded
Synthesis of Biologically Active Heterocyclic N-Substituted Amino Acid Derivatives
m. d. dr. Ingrida Tumosienė state-funded
Design and synthesis of high-efficiency organic emitters for organic light emitting diodes
vyresn. m. d. dr. Viktorija Andrulevičienė state-funded
Synthesis and investigation of the electron-transporting materials for perovskite solar cells
vyresn. m. d. dr. Artiom Magomedov state-funded
Molecular Engineering of Functional Heteroaromatic Compounds for Next-Generation OLED Technology
m. d. dr. Dovydas Blaževičius state-funded
Evaluation of various microalgal strains as sources of edible protein and bioactive peptides
doc. dr. Michail Syrpas state-funded
Formation and study of metal chalcogenide layers on the surface of various substrates doc. dr. Remigijus Ivanauskas state-funded
Metal sulphide composites for photocatalysis and antibacterial studies
prof. dr. Ingrida Ancutienė state-funded
Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured nitride and oxide coatings for electrochemical ammonia production prof. dr. Eugenijus Valatka state-funded
Synthesis and investigation of N-aryl substituted amino acids and their derivatives with azole and azine moiety
prof. habil. dr. Vytautas Mickevičius state-funded
New electroactive materials for increasing the efficiency of organic light-emitting diodes
vyresn. m. d. dr. Gintarė Kručaitė state-funded
New structure electroactive materials for second and third generation organic light emitting diodes
doc. dr. Daiva Tavgenienė state-funded
Synthesis of new electroactive materials for organic light emitting diodes prof. dr. Saulius Grigalevičius state-funded
Synthesis of novel functional materials and application in perovskite solar cells
vyresn. m. d. dr. Kasparas Rakštys state-funded
Design, synthesis of new heterocyclic derivatives, containing nitrogen atom, and investigation of structure and properties doc. dr. Vilija Kederienė state-funded
Synthesis, structure and properties of new aza-heterocyclic compounds prof. habil. dr. Algirdas Šačkus state-funded
Design, synthesis and investigation of novel pyrazole-containing compounds prof. dr. Eglė Arbačiauskienė state-funded
Synthesis, Characterization, and Photostability Enhancement of Pyrazole-Derived Photosensitizers in Nanofibrous Polymer-Based Delivery Systems for Photodynamic Cancer Therapy vyr. m. d. dr. Tadas Prasauskas state-funded
Development and research of polymeric platform prototype for cancer research
vyr. m. d. dr. Edvinas Krugly state-funded
Synthesis and investigation of potentially biologically active substances from amino acids and their derivatives doc. dr. Birutė Grybaitė state-funded
Characterization of the phytochemical composition and functional properties of rosebay willowherb (Chamaenerion angustifolium) extracts
prof. dr. Vaida Kitrytė-Syrpa state-funded
Synthesis of hole transporting organic photoconductors for perovskite solar cells
prof. dr. Vytautas Getautis state-funded
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Study programme modules




Doctoral School
Student Info Center
Studentų st. 50
LT-51368, Kaunas