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Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Double degree programme with the University of Bologna, Italy

Electrical and electronic engineering is one of the widest research fields. There are no sectors in industry or science which could develop without innovative electronic solutions. Investigations during doctoral studies are carried out in the fields, such as ultrasonic measurements and diagnostics in aviation, energy generation and supply systems, and other industrial sectors, applications of electronic solutions in biomedicine, monitoring and control systems for various economic and transportation facilities, including signal processing and imaging. Investigations are conducted using modern research tools and instruments in the ‘Santaka’ scientific valley. Doctoral studies of this field provide a possibility to carry out part of experiments in the research institutions of the United Kingdom and Italy.
The objective of the work of doctoral students is to propose and investigate innovative solutions for the above-listed sectors of industry and science.

Cycle Third cycle
Language Lithuanian, English
Duration 4 y.
Degree awarded Doctor of Science
Dvigubas laipsnis

Doctoral School
Student Info Center
Studentų st. 50
LT-51368, Kaunas

Research topics

Topic title Possible scientific supervisors Source of funding
Ultrasonic Guided Wave Structural Integrity Assessment of Thermally Induced Healing Thermoplastic Composite Structures
prof. dr. Elena Jasiūnienė state-funded
Research on a multifunctional hybrid chip for efficient energy management prof. dr. Algimantas Valinevičius state-funded
Problems and development of non-invasive technologies for physiological monitoring of human brain and for neuroprotection of brain functions. prof. dr. Arminas Ragauskas state-funded
Application of artificial intelligence methods for analysis of informative regions within ultrasonic NDT and medical diagnostic images
prof. dr. Renaldas Raišutis state-funded
Research of energy harvesting from environment for electronic devices prof. dr. Dangirutis Navikas state-funded
Efficient signal excitation and processing technologies for ultrasonic measurements and imaging
prof. dr. Linas Svilainis state-funded
Low-Power Energy Harvesting Architectures for IoT Devices prof. dr. Vytautas Markevičius state-funded
Optimization of cell-free mMIMO technology network performance and electromagnetic pollution in urban environments prof. dr. Darius Andriukaitis state-funded
Research Methods for Anomaly and Fault Detection in Power Systems
prof. dr. Žilvinas Nakutis state-funded
Development and scientific development of a collaborative robot system research
prof. dr. Renaldas Urniežius state-funded
Advanced Ultrasonic Monitoring methods for Long-Term Safety of Nuclear Power Plants
vyresn. m. d. dr. Vykintas Samaitis state-funded
Non-invasive methods for monitoring cardio-renal function in heart failure patients
doc. dr. Andrius Rapalis state-funded
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Doctoral School
Student Info Center
Studentų st. 50
LT-51368, Kaunas