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Measurement Engineering

Double degree programme with the University of Bologna, Italy

Possibility to pursue scientific research in The Welding Institute (UK) for the period of 3 years

It is the main doctoral studies programme in Lithuania directly related to knowledge of creation of high added-value solutions for various sectors of industry: aerospace, water, ground and air transport, renewable and nuclear energy. The accounting of such strategic energy resources, as oil, gas, electricity, etc. depends on measurable quantities. Areas of manufacturing, storage and support/maintenance require precise quality control, non-destructive testing and safety assurance for humans and environment. Acquired doctoral degree provides you with abilities to use the acquired exceptional knowledge at the beginning of the international career as the institution’s leading specialist, senior technologist or technical director.
The main objective of the programme is to educate talented researchers and leading specialists, who may contribute to recent research in a field of measurement engineering, create new knowledge with added value and apply it in practice. The programme aims to develop high level professionals, ready for academic and professional career in leading global education and research institutions.

Cycle Third cycle
Language Lithuanian, English
Duration 4 y.
Degree awarded Doctor of Science
Dvigubas laipsnis

Doctoral School
Student Info Center
Studentų st. 50
LT-51368, Kaunas

Research topics

Topic title Possible scientific supervisors Source of funding
Innovations in ICP Wave Monitoring for Personalized Neurological Care
vyresn. m. d. dr. Yasin Hamarat state-funded
Automated Detection and Classification of Defects in X-ray Computed Tomography Using Machine Learning
prof. dr. Elena Jasiūnienė state-funded
Assessing the Reliability of Digital Biomarkers Derived from Wearable Health Technologies
prof. dr. Vaidotas Marozas state-funded
Problems and development of non-invasive technologies for physiological monitoring of human brain and for neuroprotection of brain functions. prof. dr. Arminas Ragauskas state-funded
Application of Guided Lamb Waves for Characterization and Non-Destructive Testing of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipe Joint Systems m. d. dr. Justina Šeštokė state-funded
Remote metrology methods for monitoring the characteristics of measuring instruments
doc. dr. Paulius Kaškonas state-funded
Application of artificial intelligence methods for analysis of informative regions and measurement of their quantitative parameters within ultrasonic NDT and medical diagnostic images
prof. dr. Renaldas Raišutis state-funded
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Doctoral School
Student Info Center
Studentų st. 50
LT-51368, Kaunas