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Mechanical Engineering

Joint doctoral studies with Vytautas Magnus University (coordinating institution: Kaunas University of Technology)

Mechanical engineers create physical systems and devices that define modern society. Doctoral studies in Mechanical Engineering enable cultivation of engineering skills through project-based learning, which leads to attainment of technical acumen, creative capacity and real word experience in order to make a difference in the areas that matter the most. The programme offers a balanced curriculum and students are fostered to become the inventors and innovators of tomorrow. Admission to the programme requires master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering or other closely related field of engineering or applied sciences.
The objective of Mechanical Engineering doctoral studies is to prepare future leaders in mechanical engineering capable of practical design and creative application of computational methods for development and research of mathematical models of the real world objects and systems.

Cycle Third cycle
Language Lithuanian, English
Duration 4 y.
Degree awarded Doctor of Science
  • Vytautas Magnus University

Doctoral School
Student Info Center
Studentų st. 50
LT-51368, Kaunas

Research topics

Topic title Possible scientific supervisors Source of funding
Research and Development of Adaptive Composite Structures
doc. dr. Rūta Rimašauskienė state-funded
Prevention of lower extremity injuries in active sports children-teenagers doc. dr. Aurelijus Domeika state-funded
Bioinspired flight mechanism for micro air vehicle. Research, development, simulation. prof. dr. Rimvydas Gaidys state-funded
Bioinspired micro sensors for flight. Research, development, simulation. prof. dr. Rimvydas Gaidys state-funded
Bioinspired flexible fluidic actuated structures with sensing function
doc. dr. Kęstutis Pilkauskas state-funded
Dental biomechanics - orthodontic tooth movement and occlusal contact. Research, development, modeling prof. dr. Rimvydas Gaidys state-funded
R&D of the multidegree of freedom piezoelectric drives prof. dr. Vytautas Jūrėnas state-funded
Application of Artificial Intelligence Methods in the Quality Assessment of Metal Welding doc. dr. Antanas Čiuplys state-funded
Development of eco-friendly hybrid composites for advanced industry
prof. dr. Giedrius Janušas state-funded
Development of electrically conductive fibre reinforced polymer composites with self-diagnostic function prof. dr. Daiva Zeleniakienė state-funded
Investigation of friction stir welding process of welding dissimilar materials
doc. dr. Ramūnas Česnavičius state-funded
Development of structural composites with excellent mechanical properties using novel nanolayers for localised curing prof. dr. Daiva Zeleniakienė state-funded
Laser surface texturing: eco-friendly modifications to improve wear, corrosion and biocompatibility
prof. dr. Regita Bendikienė state-funded
Research of metal cyclic strength and fatigue life under multiaxial loading
doc. dr. Ramūnas Česnavičius state-funded
Multi-material 3D printing of resilient sensor-integrated structures using custom-made electroactive composite materials
vyr. m. d. dr. Rolanas Daukševičius state-funded
Development of industrial maintenance optimisation method
doc. dr. Kazimieras Juzėnas state-funded
Predictive AI Models for Maintenance and Failure Prevention of Technological Equipment doc. dr. Antanas Čiuplys state-funded
Development of Rheological Trainer
prof. dr. Egidijus Dragašius state-funded
Research and development of robotised incremental sheet forming of customized multi-material biocomposite structures for health and transportation technologies
doc. dr. Darius Eidukynas state-funded
Digital-Twins towards Structural Health Monitoring of composite structures
prof. dr. Paulius Griškevičius state-funded
Printable bio-based multifunctional composites for additive manufacturing of mechatronic eco-devices
vyr. m. d. dr. Rolanas Daukševičius state-funded
Research and development of sustainable additive manufacturing process for production of natural fibers reinforced composites
prof. dr. Marius Rimašauskas state-funded
Download the list



Entry requirements

Minimum requirements

Persons with a Master’s Degree or equivalent degree of higher education may participate in an open competition for admission to doctoral studies.

Applicants to the doctoral field of science are accepted by competition according to the competition score. Minimum Competition Score 8.0

Additional condition:

1. The weighted grade point average of the evaluations recorded in the Master’s diploma supplement has to be at least 8.0.

2. One of the submitted recommendations has to be written by the supervisor of the topic


Application procedure

Mandatory documents for admission:

  • Application indicating the science field, the topic and the form of funding (online)*
  • Official legalised Master’s diploma with the diploma supplements or a higher education degree equivalents and academic transcripts (translated into English or Lithuanian and notary verified) and the certificate of recognition if higher education qualification acquired abroad (the weighted grade point average of the evaluations recorded in the Master’s diploma supplement has to be at least 8.0)
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Recommendations by two researchers of the relevant science field (one of the recommendations has to be written by the supervisor of the research topic)
  • A list of the research works with a full bibliographic description and copies thereof; if no research works by the applicant are presented, the applicant is required to present a research paper whose topic is consistent with the dissertation topic indicated in the applicant’s application (if the applicant applies to two dissertation topics, two individual research papers have to be submitted)
  • A copy of a valid personal document: a passport (for citizens of all countries) or an ID card (only for citizens of the European Union)
  • A copy of the receipt of the application fee payment (50 EUR for EU citizens, and 120 EUR for non-EU citizens)
  • A certificate issued by IELTS, TOEFL, CERF or any other competent institution within the last 2 years certifying the level of the English language if the candidate is not a graduate of the first or second cycle studies conducted in the English language

* The applicant can select no more than 2 (two) research fields and no more than 2 (two) topics per science field.

Participation in motivational interview  (Kaunas University of Technology, Studentų g. 50, Kaunas, Lithuania or online)

Signing a study agreement (if invited to study)


Selection criteria and their weighted coefficients

Weighted grade point average of the Master’s diploma supplement

The weighted grade point average  of the evaluations recorded in the Master’s diploma supplement has to be at least 8.0


Research experience

Research experience in ten-point grading system (the evaluation of the research experience includes the candidate’s scientific publications or the research paper, other research experience, scientific qualifications, the compliance of the scientific publications and research experience with the topic of doctoral studies)


Recommendations by scientists

One of the submitted recommendations has to be written by the supervisor of the topic


Motivational interview, including evaluation of the knowledge of a foreign language




Study programme modules




Doctoral School
Student Info Center
Studentų st. 50
LT-51368, Kaunas