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Joint doctoral studies with Vytautas Magnus University and Lithuanian Social Research Centre (coordinating institution: Vytautas Magnus University)

Cycle Third cycle
Language Lithuanian, English
Duration 4 y.
Degree awarded Doctor of Science
  • Vytautas Magnus University
  • Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences

Doctoral School
Student Info Center
Studentų st. 50
LT-51368, Kaunas


Entry requirements

Minimum requirements

Persons with a Master’s Degree or equivalent degree of higher education may participate in an open competition for admission to doctoral studies.


Application procedure

Mandatory documents for admission:

  • Application for admission addressed to the Rector
  • Diploma of Master’s degree or qualification adequate to it, its annex/supplement
  • Letters of recommendation by two scholars from sociology science field (issued within one year)
  • Curriculum Vitae (signed by applicant)
  • List of applicant’s scientific publications (submitted in full biobliographic description) and their copies (submitted together with a copy of journal’s cover and contents page); or, if a scientific article in not yet published – a document issued by the editorial board of a scientific journal certifying the acceptance of an article for publication (after the reviewing procedure) and its manuscript
  • Documents proving foreign language proficiency (certificates, diplomas, etc.)
  • Electronic copy of the scientific research project in .doc or .docx format, if two topics are indicated in the application, then 2 scientific research projects need to be submitted
  • Personal identification document
  • Documents notifying the change of surname if not all documents are submitted under the same surname
  • Other documents which an applicant wishes to submit

Participation in motivational interview

Signing a study agreement (if invited to study)


Selection criteria and their weighted coefficients

Scientific publications


Scientific research project


Grade point average


Motivational interview





Study programme modules





Doctoral School
Student Info Center
Studentų st. 50
LT-51368, Kaunas