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Electronics Engineering

Electronics Engineering is a global and dynamic specialisation. Programme is designed for preparation of electronics engineers, who are able to create, install, research, improve and provide maintenance services to modern systems in the areas of industry, medicine, security and logistics, communication systems and military equipment. Electronics engineers and project managers begin with the idea of a new product of service and develop it until its commercial realisation.


Location Kaunas
Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Cycle First cycle
Field Electronics Engineering
Language Lithuanian
Form Full-time studies - 4 y. (day-time; on-campus), Part-time studies - 6 y. (day-time; on-campus)
Degree awarded Bachelor of Engineering Sciences
Specialisations Design and Manufacturing of Electronic Equipment,
Information and Telecommunication Technology,
Integrated Circuit Design,
Medical Electronics
Yearly Price  i Full-time studies - 3836 €
Part-time studies - 2557 €
  • Technical University of Cartagena
  • Vienna University of Technology
  • Brno University of Technology
  • Linkoping University
  • Jonkoping University

Talk to us, study with us
tel. +370 679 44 555


Entry requirements

Application procedure

The programme is only conducted in Lithuanian language. Entry requirements for this particular programme can be found in the programme description provided in Lithuanian language.



Tuition fee

The indicated tuition fee is applied to 2024-2025 academic year.

Foreign nationals with Lithuanian origins and EU citizens
Full-time studies 3836 €
Part-time studies 2557 €
Price per credit 63,93 €
Partial tuition fee waiver can be applied for the study price.


Financial support






Module of the study programme by semesters


Senses – audio-visual sensors
Electronics – smart devices, schemes, programming
Waves – antennas, navigation, communications
Projects – design, testing, production

Design and Integration of Electronic Systems Design of Specialised Systems Production and Testing Realisation of Data Transfer Systems





From basic principles to practical skills for development of contemporary systems and devices

We begin with comprehension of fundamental laws of nature and rapidly move to contemporary electronic devices, smart programmed systems and sensors, use of data transmission and processing equipment, and mastering of methods of their development. It feels amazing to create and implement your own ideas.


Design, testing, production, installation

Design, testing, production and installation processes, which are the basis for engineering activities, and skills required for their implementation are developed during the courses of microprocessor-based, analogue and digital devices, measurement, signal processing, etc. Students complete their placements at Lithuanian companies, where they are often employed after their studies.


Global specialisation is also marketable in Lithuania

Graduates of the few last years are employed in the companies of electronic industry not only in Lithuania, but also in Norway, Belgium, Germany, and Ireland.


Modern updated laboratories

International experts, who evaluated the programme, specified one of its advantages: variety of training laboratories and their constant updates using the EU support funds and establishing “Santaka” science valley. Three new laboratories have been established this year: electronics technologies, electromagnetic compatibility, and nanosatellites and avionics. Laboratories receive support by modern equipment from such global producers as Texas instruments, ST Microelectronics, Altera and many others.


During studies students are already involved in project activities

Students are attracted to perform research and design works in laboratories and scientific groups. Such working environment allows them to watch the development of innovative technical solutions, as well as rapidly improve their practical skills.

Product and service development

Are you interested in creating real products and services while studying? It is now possible to test yourself by getting involved in a product development project (PDP). During the project, you will work in teams, collaborating with KTU researchers and social partners. While solving current, relevant problems you will improve your teamwork, project management, and problem-solving skills, deepen professional knowledge and expand your career opportunities.



Student’s competences
– Applies deeper knowledge of electronics engineering science and research methods;
– Recognises problems, formulates them and applies solutions;
– Performs experiment’s planning and its progress;
– Conduct research activities applying modern technologies;

Student’s skills
– Able to solve unknown problems that are not clearly defined;
– Able to develop new methods;
– Able to plan or conduct analytical, modelling or experimental research;
– Able to apply available knowledge and experience in generation of ideas and making of decisions.


You may become

– Implementation of solutions for electronic systems, planning of their stages and even distribution of tasks.




Mindaugas Staišiūnas

Mindaugas Staišiūnas

Electronics Engineer at UAB "Elinvision"


Graduation from Bachelor studies of Electronics Engineering at KTU provided me with fundamental knowledge, analytical thinking and practical skills, which enabled transformation of purposeful and consistent work during studies to a chance to establish my career in the innovative area of electronics engineering. Currently I apply obtained knowledge and skills in designing of electronic devices, which are valued and competitive in the global market.

Virgilijus Pamakštis

Virgilijus Pamakštis

Director of Innovation and Technical Department at AB "Axis Industries"


We have employed and each year provide placements for the students of this programme, who create, modernise, install electronic devices and systems for accounting of energy resources, data transfer via various networks, household management. Today industries and services of telecommunications, vehicles, aviation, medical devices, energy, etc. are inconceivable without the latest electronics technologies. If you want not only to use, but also to create technological solutions, you need qualified specialists of electronics.





Talk to us, study with us
tel. +370 679 44 555