While we shouldn’t overindulge in thinking about the catastrophic future scenarios of science fiction, but… the future belongs to robots! They will drive us around, will take care of our houses, mow our lawn, prepare drinks or food for us. This is already happening – according to research, the number of robots currently in the global workforce is 2.25 million and has doubled since 2010.
Upon completion of the bachelor’s study programme in Intelligent Robotics Systems at KTU, you will be able to develop, design, install and service robots and their systems for use both in households and industries, such as aerospace or military.
You will learn to program and to train robots, to analyse electromechanical processes, to control complex equipment, to use computer vision or the Internet of Things.
While studying in this study programme you will practice in the laboratories equipped with the latest technology at the University and in the training centres of international companies such as Festo, Siemens, Schneider Electric, PhoenixContact, Wonderware, Allen Bradley.
Location |
Kaunas Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
Cycle | First cycle |
Field | Electronics Engineering |
Language | Lithuanian, English |
Form | Full-time studies - 4 y. (day-time; on-campus) |
Degree awarded | Bachelor of Engineering Sciences |
Flexible learning pathways | Innovation development; Pedagogy |
Yearly Price |
Full-time studies - 4108 €
International Studies Office
Student Info Center
Studentų St. 50, LT-51368 Kaunas
email: international@ktu.lt
Proficiency in English | |
Language requirements | |
IELTS ≥5.5, TOEFL ≥75, CEFR ≥B2, or equivalent |
Eligibility | CGPA |
High school certificate | |
Maximum 3 years after high school graduation is eligible. Often you can get a suitable transcript from your school. If this is not the case, you will need official translations along with verified copies of the original. The entry qualification documents are accepted in the following languages: English / Russian. The documents must be legalised (Apostille) by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country where the documents were issued. This requirement does not apply for the documents issued in the EU and Belarus, Ukraine. |
Minimum average grade (CGPA) > 60 % in each entry subject. |
Subject | Coefficient | Type |
First subject | ||
Mathematics |
0,4 |
Final exam |
Second subject | ||
Chemistry or Physics or Biology or Information Technology or Geography |
0,4 |
Final exam |
Third subject | ||
English language |
0,2 |
Final exam |
The indicated tuition fee is applied to 2025-2026 academic year. |
Full-time studies | 4108 € |
Price per credit | 68,47 € |
Foreign nationals with Lithuanian origins and EU citizens | |
Full-time studies | 4108 € |
Price per credit | 68,47 € |
Partial tuition fee waiver can be applied for the study price. |
Financial support
Robot mechanics | Design of robot and their control systems | Programming of robots | Modeling and experimental analysis |
The best laboratories in the Baltics (by international accreditation experts, 2015), established and supported by business partners such as Schneider Electric, Siemens, ABB, Festo, etc.
Being the only Baltic member of EduNet network, KTU provides exclusive opportunity to the students to get professional training at EduNet laboratory by Phoenix Contact.
According to the employers, the KTU graduates are able to apply robotisation solutions in industry due to the analysis of manufacturing processes during the studies.
Are you interested in creating real products and services while studying? It is now possible to test yourself by getting involved in a product development project (PDP). During the project, you will work in teams, collaborating with KTU researchers and social partners. While solving current, relevant problems you will improve your teamwork, project management, and problem-solving skills, deepen professional knowledge and expand your career opportunities.
– Adapt systems for machinery control in various companies operating in the fields from production to designing;
– To control production processes and understand needs and possibilities for their robotisation;
– To analyse problematic areas of facilities management and adapt modern robotic systems for increase of efficiency;
– To design and realise modern robotic systems according to the market needs.
Interdisciplinarity of this study programme provides wide range of career possibilities for work in various industries, public sector, space or military industry. Students learn at the most modern laboratories of the Baltic Region and after graduation they are able to:
– Design, install and provide maintenance to stationary and mobile robots and their systems;
– Realise modern algorithms for control of machinery and the ones based on artificial intellect;
– To combine classic mechatronics solutions, classical control algorithms, possibilities of artificial intellect and information technologies.
– Organisation and supervision of project’s employees, delivery of materials, machinery and equipment;
– Preparation of standards for installation, replacement, quality control, inspections and maintenance of robotic systems according to the engineering principles and safety rules.
– Installation, management and control of robotisation system’s devices and equipment, performance of system’s experiments and testing, and control.
– Management and control of computerised control systems and machinery for control of multifunctional technological processes.
International Studies Office
Student Info Center
Studentų St. 50, LT-51368 Kaunas
email: international@ktu.lt