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Applied Mathematics

The aim of Applied Mathematics Master’s degree study programme is to prepare broadly educated creative mathematics specialists who have relevant knowledge of mathematics and its application and would be able to study, model and responsibly apply knowledge independently in new situations and would be able to be competent partners in joint projects with the specialists of other fields.

Location Kaunas
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Cycle Second cycle
Field Applied Mathematics
Language Lithuanian
Form Full-time studies - 2 y. (evening-time; blended learning)
Degree awarded Master of Mathematical Sciences
Yearly Price  i Full-time studies - 5266 €
  • Lund University (Sweden)
  • Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic)
  • University of Southern Denmark (Denmark)
  • Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary)
  • University of Helsinki (Finland)

Talk to us, study with us
tel. +370 679 44 555


Entry requirements

Application procedure

The programme is only conducted in Lithuanian language. Entry requirements for this particular programme can be found in the programme description provided in Lithuanian language.



Tuition fee

The indicated tuition fee is applied to 2024-2025 academic year.

Foreign nationals with Lithuanian origins and EU citizens
Full-time studies 5266 €
Price per credit 87,77 €
Partial tuition fee waiver can be applied for the study price.


Financial support






Module of the study programme by semesters


Data analysis – statistics and data receipt methods, models, forecasting, making of decisions
Mathematical finance – models of financial markets, insurance mathematics models, time series analysis
Optimization methods – optimization of systems and processes
Modelling of systems – modelling of bio-systems, financial, cryptographic, business, vibrotechnical systems
Modelling and analysis of financial markets Data mining and analysis methods Optimisation of the functioning of systems





International recognition of programme

A few years ago, the international experts evaluated KTU Master’s degree study programme of Applied Mathematics as unique and attractive not only in Lithuania, but also abroad. The future Masters of Applied Mathematics are studying general subjects and choosing subjects from two groups of modules i.e. finances mathematics, data mining subjects, and optional advanced level subjects of mathematics.

Demand on the labour market

Steadily increasing demand for the specialists of Applied Mathematics

The need for creation and application of mathematical models in various fields of industry, biomedicine, and economics has recently shown a considerable increase. According to the forecasts, after five – ten years such specialists will be demanded throughout the world.


The salaries are the highest on the market

The graduates can work as system analysts, market researchers, analysts-programmers, modelling, and data analysis specialists in modelling, design, information analysis divisions of various companies and institutions, insurance companies, banks, stock exchange markets. Since the aforementioned works are closely related to information technologies, the wages are and will remain one of the highest in Lithuania.

Internship and empoyment

The students have an opportunity for internship and later to be employed in world-known companies

Many graduates from this study programme are working in such companies as “Swedbank Life Insurance SE”, “Mondelez Lietuva Production”, “Barclays Technology Centre Lithuania”, “Callcredit Information Group”, “Softera Baltic”, Vičiūnai Group, and other.


This study programme attracts active and motivated students

The students who demonstrate high academic results are studying in this programme. Good motivation of students determines a creative and results-oriented environment of the studies that helps to assimilate necessary knowledge and skills.



Student’s competences:

– Modelling and analysis of financial markets
– Knowledge of data mining and analysis methods
– Optimisation of the functioning of systems

Student’s skills

– Able to find, select and understand scientific mathematics literature and use knowledge of scientific research in solving of the tasks of real world modelling.
– Able to see modelling possibilities and create mathematical models for problem solutions in technologies, finances, economics, social and other fields of science, substantiate their suitability.
– Able to apply modern statistical analysis methods for multi-dimensional data in analysis and modelling of real systems.
– Able to apply financial and insurance mathematics theory for modelling and analysis of markets.
– Able to apply formal analysis methods of information technologies in research of deterministic and stochastic systems.
– Able to initiate, prepare, implement and present research projects, select optimal solutions, critically analyse, compare and assess their results, forecast, make reasoned conclusions, prepare reports.
– Able to work individually and in the interdisciplinary team, generate ideas, integrate knowledge and skills, critically assess quality of personal performance and that of the others, take responsibility for the work results and their quality.



You may become

 – Development of analytical tools (for extraction of data, analysis, process optimisation, process monitoring, automation)
 – Development of tools for preparation of reports
 – Provision of business insights
 – Quality management in data in information systems
 – Provision of results, performance indicators to the managers



MA+ competences

Master+ is a unique model within a chosen MSc programme

The Master+ model offers either to masterpiece in the chosen discipline by choosing the Field Expert track or to strengthen the interdisciplinary skills in addition to the main discipline by choosing the Interdisciplinary Expert track providing a choice of a different competence to compliment the chosen discipline and achieve a competitive advantage in one’s career.

Students of these study programmes can choose between the path of Field Expert and Interdisciplinary Expert. Selection is made in the academic information system. Each path (competence) consists of three subjects (18 credits) allocated as follows: 1 year 1 semester (autumn) – first subject (6 credits), 1 year 2 semester (spring) – second subject (6 credits), 2 year 3 semester – third subject (6 credits). A student, who chooses a path of the Field Expert, deepens knowledge and strengthens skills in the main field of studies. The one, who chooses a path of the Interdisciplinary Expert, acquires knowledge and skills in a different area or field of studies. Competence provides a choice of alternative additional subjects.

  • Field Expert (profound knowledge and skills in the area, required for solution of scientific research tasks);
  • Interdisciplinary Expert:
    (fields of different knowledge and skills are combined for solution of specific tasks);

Acquisition of the competence is certified by the issue of KTU certificate and entry in the appendix to the Master’s diploma. In addition, students can acquire an international certificate (details are provided next to each competence).

Competences are implemented by KTU lecturers – experts in their area – and high level business and public sector organizations; their employees deliver lectures, submit topics for the student’s theses, placement-oriented tasks for the projects, etc.




Lecturers. Experts in their field

Mindaugas Kavaliauskas

Mindaugas Kavaliauskas

Associate Professor at Applied Mathematics Department
Tomas Iešmantas

Tomas Iešmantas

Associate Professor at Applied Mathematics Department
Eligijus Sakalauskas

Eligijus Sakalauskas

Professor at Applied Mathematics Department
Robertas Alzbutas

Robertas Alzbutas

Professor at Applied Mathematics Department
Audrius Kabašinskas

Audrius Kabašinskas

Associate Professor at Mathematical Modelling Department
Liepa Bikulčienė

Liepa Bikulčienė

Associate Professor at Applied Mathematics Department
Minvydas Kazys Ragulskis

Minvydas Kazys Ragulskis

Professor at Mathematical Modelling Department
Eimutis Valakevičius

Eimutis Valakevičius

Professor at Mathematical Modelling Department
Vytautas Janilionis

Vytautas Janilionis

Associate Professor at Applied Mathematics Department
Tomas Ruzgas

Tomas Ruzgas

Associate Professor at Applied Mathematics Department




Laura Simutienė

Laura Simutienė

Data Scientist at Nord Security


The bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Applied Mathematics have paved the way for the field of data science. A strong foundation in programming and mathematics is laid during the first year of study. And the knowledge gained in later years becomes meaningful through the application of machine learning models. With such a baggage of knowledge, it is much easier to understand and master new modelling techniques, and to select the most appropriate one based on the available data. I am delighted to choose to study mathematics, not only because of the knowledge I have gained, but also because of the excellent community of the faculty that promotes continuous improvement and cares for every student.

Antanas Mikšys

Antanas Mikšys

Senior Portfolio Manager at Lietuvos bankas / Bank of Lithuania


I am glad that I chose to study mathematics, because studying exact sciences helped to develop critical logical thinking, to acquire analytical knowledge, which is very useful both in professional activities and in everyday life. The study of applied mathematics has given me a wealth of fundamental, very widely applied knowledge. I have linked my professional career to financial analysis and investment management. These activities require the ability to analyze a variety of data, understand what factors and how they affect changes in the value of financial instruments. I can confidently say that studying Applied Mathematics has contributed to the success of my professional career.





Talk to us, study with us
tel. +370 679 44 555