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This popular in the job market study programme focuses on the power of life-long learning, it provides contemporary knowledge and skills of education science and practice, especially in the field of education management. Graduates are able to explore education systems and phenomena, to assess and improve education practice according to world tendencies and country’s needs, and to develop personal and organisational leadership.

Location Kaunas
Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities
Cycle Second cycle
Field Education
Language Lithuanian
Form Full-time studies - 2 y. (evening-time; blended learning)
Degree awarded Master of Education Sciences
Flexible learning pathways Interdisciplinary competence
Yearly Price  i Full-time studies - 5538 €

Entry requirements

Application procedure

The programme is only conducted in Lithuanian language. Entry requirements for this particular programme can be found in the programme description provided in Lithuanian language.



Tuition fee

The indicated tuition fee is applied to 2025-2026 academic year.

Foreign nationals with Lithuanian origins and EU citizens
Full-time studies 5538 €
Price per credit 92,3 €
Partial tuition fee waiver can be applied for the study price.


Financial support





Module of the study programme by semesters



Student’s competences
An investigator-analyst manages tools to explore and analyze the complex and dynamic reality of education; Leader-manager is able to successfully manage the educational system entrusted or created by him / her; Expert-leader of content is able to create and develop the content of education: the subject, system of education, educational functions, role played and others.


Student’s skills
– Will be able to manage research tools, create research design and analyze the complex and dynamic reality of education;
– Will be able to creatively solve the problems of education, to create and develop teams, to take leadership, to lead the educational institution;
– Will be able to create and develop a programme for education.




Talk to us, study with us
tel. +370 679 44 555