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Strategic Communication

In today’s society, effective communication is one of the most important skills for any field of work. Being able to collaborate and succesfully work among cultural and generational differences, to get and apply information systematically, to ensure feedback, and to solve the issues that arise within these processes, has become indispensable.

This study programme will equip you with knowledge about communication theories, the specifics of planning and managing communication in different organisational contexts, the manifold concept of communication, and you will be able to apply it all practically. The skills and competencies gained will allow to evaluate and coordinate communication strategies at different levels, and to ensure their efficient progress. You will also become acquainted with the communication models for crisis management, as well as be able to employ the knowledge for independent research.

This is an MA+ study programme, which means that while studying, you will have the possibility to acquire individually chosen competences (in management, law, language studies) or select the career as an expert in the field.

Location Kaunas
Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities
Cycle Second cycle
Field Communication
Language Lithuanian
Form Full-time studies - 2 y. (evening-time; blended learning)
Degree awarded Master of Social Sciences
Yearly Price  i Full-time studies - 4384 €

Talk to us, study with us
tel. +370 679 44 555


Entry requirements

Application procedure

The programme is only conducted in Lithuanian language. Entry requirements for this particular programme can be found in the programme description provided in Lithuanian language.



Tuition fee

The indicated tuition fee is applied to 2024-2025 academic year.

Foreign nationals with Lithuanian origins and EU citizens
Full-time studies 4384 €
Price per credit 73,07 €
Partial tuition fee waiver can be applied for the study price.


Financial support






Module of the study programme by semesters



MA+ competences

Master+ is a unique model within a chosen MSc programme

The Master+ model offers either to masterpiece in the chosen discipline by choosing the Field Expert track or to strengthen the interdisciplinary skills in addition to the main discipline by choosing the Interdisciplinary Expert track providing a choice of a different competence to compliment the chosen discipline and achieve a competitive advantage in one’s career.

Students of these study programmes can choose between the path of Field Expert and Interdisciplinary Expert. Selection is made in the academic information system. Each path (competence) consists of three subjects (18 credits) allocated as follows: 1 year 1 semester (autumn) – first subject (6 credits), 1 year 2 semester (spring) – second subject (6 credits), 2 year 3 semester – third subject (6 credits). A student, who chooses a path of the Field Expert, deepens knowledge and strengthens skills in the main field of studies. The one, who chooses a path of the Interdisciplinary Expert, acquires knowledge and skills in a different area or field of studies. Competence provides a choice of alternative additional subjects.

  • Field Expert (profound knowledge and skills in the area, required for solution of scientific research tasks);
  • Interdisciplinary Expert:
    (fields of different knowledge and skills are combined for solution of specific tasks);

Acquisition of the competence is certified by the issue of KTU certificate and entry in the appendix to the Master’s diploma. In addition, students can acquire an international certificate (details are provided next to each competence).

Competences are implemented by KTU lecturers – experts in their area – and high level business and public sector organizations; their employees deliver lectures, submit topics for the student’s theses, placement-oriented tasks for the projects, etc.





Talk to us, study with us
tel. +370 679 44 555