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Translation and Post-editing of Technical Texts

KTU master’s study programme in Translation and Post-editing of Technical Texts will appeal to those who are willing to get more profound knowledge in translation, post-editing, and localization methodologies and technologies, and mprove their skills in translation technology and management of translation projects. One of the greatest advantages of this study programme is an opportunity to improve written translation skills in different language combinations.

This is an MA+ study programme, which means that you will have the possibility to acquire individually chosen competences (in management, law, language studies) or select the career as an expert in the field (Medical Translation, Legal Translation, and Community Interpreting).

Our graduates are equipped with competencies to solve translation and post-editing problems and possess software localization, audio-visual media translation skills. They professionally handle computer translation, text parallelization, term management programs.

  • It is the only study programme in Lithuania focused on post-editing and localization
  • You will work with the latest translation and localization software: SDL Trados Studio, MemoQ, OmegaT, Déjà Vu, Wordfast, Passolo, Catalyst, Language Studio, Multilizer, Visual Localize
  • You will gain competence in translating also from the second foreign language

*The name of the study programme was changed from Translation and Localization of Technical Texts to Translation and Post-Editing of Technical Texts.

Location Kaunas
Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities
Cycle Second cycle
Field Translation Studies
Language Lithuanian, English
Form Full-time studies - 2 y. (evening-time; blended learning)
Degree awarded Master of Humanities
Yearly Price  i Full-time studies - 5266 €

International Studies Office
Student Info Center
Studentų St. 50, LT-51368 Kaunas


Entry requirements

Minimum requirements

University bachelor degree certificate

Bachelor’s degree.

Language CGPA

IELTS ≥6.0, TOEFL ≥85, CEFR ≥C1, or previously completed studies in English language.

Average grade (CGPA) > 60 %

Additional requirements

Often you can get a suitable transcript of bachelor degree from your school. If this is not the case, you will need official translations along with verified copies of the original.

The entry qualification documents are accepted in the following languages: English / Russian.

The documents must be legalised (Apostille) by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country where the documents were issued. This requirement does not apply for the documents issued in the EU and Belarus, Ukraine.


Score structure

Component Coefficient
First component of the competition score

Average grade(CGPA) of University‘s Bachelor’s degree (min. length – 180 ECTS) and its supplement


Second component of the competition score

Motivation letter


Additional component for the competition score:

Additional points can be added to the competition score for the following activities:

  • science activities (scientific publications, presentations at scientific conferences, participation in exhibitions, work in student science society or science group etc.) or art activities (publication or realization of artwork, participation in art exhibitions, contests of architecture) (up to 2 points);
  • at least 1 year work experience in the field of study programme (0,5 points);
  • partial studies in the higher education institution abroad with ≥24 ECTS completed (0,5 points);
  • graduated from academic talent development program in higher education institution (for example “GIFTed talent academy”) (0,5 points);
  • bachelor’s or master’s (if integrated study programme is completed) degree diploma with honors (0,5 points).

Points from the same criteria are only added once. Points from different criteria are added up. The maximum score from additional points criteria can be no higher than 4.


Tuition fee

The indicated tuition fee is applied to 2024-2025 academic year.

Full-time studies 5266 €
Price per credit 87,77 €
Foreign nationals with Lithuanian origins and EU citizens
Full-time studies 5266 €
Price per credit 87,77 €
Partial tuition fee waiver can be applied for the study price.


Financial support






Module of the study programme by semesters


Localization – software, websites, video games
Written translation – translation technologies, project management, specialized texts
Terminology – management, creation, terminology banks
Translation of audio-visual media – process, requirements, quality
Translation Localization Technologies Linguistics and text comprehension





The highest rating EU

The fact that this study programme was awarded European Master’s in Translation Quality Label (EMT) speaks for itself: KTU is the place where the best translators of technical texts are educated. The highest rating in the European Union for translation master’s studies means that your degree will take you places.

The highest rating EU
Contribute to established companies

Interdisciplinary study programme

The programme is unique as it is the only study programme in Lithuania focused on localization, i.e. adaptation of software, websites, advertising means and other products to the Lithuanian culture and language.


Skills in translation and localization technologies

Particular attention is devoted to the development of skills in using software designated for translation and localization. Students work with internationally recognized translation and localization software: SDL Trados Studio, MemoQ, OmegaT, Déjà Vu, Wordfast, Passolo, Catalyst, Language Studio, Multilizer, Visual Localize.

Programme structure

Competence in translation from the second foreign language

Together with translation from the first foreign language (English) students learn translation from the second foreign language. Translation modules of different language combinations (French -Lithuanian, German Lithuanian, Russian – Lithuanian, English – Russian) are offered.


80–100% of graduates are employed in their field of education

Based on the data of the Lithuanian Labour Exchange, at least 80% of the programme graduates work in different translation companies, such as Skrivanek, Alma Littera, Softneta, Bretalita or as reelance translators. Favourabe employment opportunities are guaranteed not only in Lithuania but also in the European Union institutions.


Different commercial translation and localization software packages, as well as free machine translation systems are used in the study process

Students acquire skills of using SDL Trados Studio, one of the most popular software packages, facilitating translation processes for translators and business organisations.



Student’s competences:
– Second foreign language at level C1
– Translation of the texts of various areas and genres from two foreign languages
– Translation of the Internet text into Lithuanian, translation of audio-visual medias
– Management of globally recognised translation and localization software
– Deep knowledge of translation theories and methodologies, text analysis and application of technologies in translation and post-editing


Student’s skills:
– Able to solve complex problems of translation , post-editing, and localization during written translations from English and second foreign language (besides the main English-Lithuanian, there are combinations of other languages, for example, French-Lithuanian, German-Lithuanian, Russian-Lithuanian, English-Russian)
– Able to implement translation and localization projects
– Able to apply globally recognised translation and localization software: SDL Trados Studio, MemoQ, OmegaT, DejaVu, WordFast, Passolo, Catalyst, Language Studio, Multilizer, Visual Localize
– Able to translate software, Internet text into Lithuanian, translate and culturally adapt audio-visual media (films, video games, advertisement)
– Able to perform translation and linguistic analysis




You may become



MA+ competences

Master+ is a unique model within a chosen MSc programme

The Master+ model offers either to masterpiece in the chosen discipline by choosing the Field Expert track or to strengthen the interdisciplinary skills in addition to the main discipline by choosing the Interdisciplinary Expert track providing a choice of a different competence to compliment the chosen discipline and achieve a competitive advantage in one’s career.

Students of these study programmes can choose between the path of Field Expert and Interdisciplinary Expert. Selection is made in the academic information system. Each path (competence) consists of three subjects (18 credits) allocated as follows: 1 year 1 semester (autumn) – first subject (6 credits), 1 year 2 semester (spring) – second subject (6 credits), 2 year 3 semester – third subject (6 credits). A student, who chooses a path of the Field Expert, deepens knowledge and strengthens skills in the main field of studies. The one, who chooses a path of the Interdisciplinary Expert, acquires knowledge and skills in a different area or field of studies. Competence provides a choice of alternative additional subjects.

  • Field Expert (profound knowledge and skills in the area, required for solution of scientific research tasks);
  • Interdisciplinary Expert:
    (fields of different knowledge and skills are combined for solution of specific tasks);

Acquisition of the competence is certified by the issue of KTU certificate and entry in the appendix to the Master’s diploma. In addition, students can acquire an international certificate (details are provided next to each competence).

Competences are implemented by KTU lecturers – experts in their area – and high level business and public sector organizations; their employees deliver lectures, submit topics for the student’s theses, placement-oriented tasks for the projects, etc.




Milda Povilaitienė

Milda Povilaitienė

Director of UAB "Baltijos vertimai"


The master’s study programme in Translation of and Localization of Technical Texts covers all areas and practices relevant for the future translator. Graduates have excellent knowledge of the native and two foreign languages, as well as translation skills that may be applied extensively not only in the translation industry. An employee who has mastered the native and two foreign languages is a dream of a number of employers; such skills are also a must for those seeking a career in international companies. Throughout the study process, much attention is devoted not only to developing translation competencies as such but also familiarisation and work with translation technologies, analysis of localization problems and their solutions. The master’s study programme Translation and Localization of Technical Texts prepares not only translators as specialists, but also develops a broad outlook. Skills of MA graduates satisfy contemporary requirements set for translators. A specialist with such skills and competencies is welcome at both Lithuanian and foreign translation bureaus.

Renata Mykolaitytė

Renata Mykolaitytė

Project Manager Internet project management company "Digima"


I am pleased I have obtained an MA in in Translation and Localization of Technical Texts and would undoubtedly recommend this study programme for all those willing to acquire both practical and theoretical knowledge necessary for translators. I have gained skills not only in translation of specialized texts but also profound knowledge of the second foreign language. Much importance was devoted to the analysis of software and localization of websites. In lectures, we gained not only essential knowledge of translation peculiarities and translator’s work but also were encouraged to solve translation problems, think and assess texts and strategies critically, and write research papers. I am happy I was taught by highly professional teachers who improved my theoretical and practical knowledge shared their experience, inspired me and were ready to help me at any time. In my opinion, the translator’s profession is currently very promising as the demand for translation services is constantly growing. The master’s study programme of Translation and Localization of Technical Texts provides considerable benefits and opens a lot of possibilities for translators s seeking positions in different Lithuanian and international companies.





International Studies Office
Student Info Center
Studentų St. 50, LT-51368 Kaunas