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Doctoral studies

Doctoral studies are the third cycle studies. The persons who hold a master’s or equivalent qualification degree are admitted to these studies. The doctoral studies prepare the scientists who can independently perform research and experimental development works, solve scientific problems, work in an academic and non-academic environment.


Admission requirements

General information

Doctoral studies are the third-cycle study programmes that aim to develop the knowledge and skills required for carrying out independent research.

The Doctoral degree is awarded to a doctoral student who completes the doctoral programme and defend their doctoral dissertation (art project). The Doctor of Science (Doctor of Art) degree allows access to the world of scientific research, not limited to the academic world, but also in independent research centres and production facilities.

Research Doctorate:

  • Studies 30 ECTS Credits ( 3-4 study modules at KTU, 1-2 study modules abroad)
  • Research and presentation of research results (≥2 international scientific conferences and ≥2 scientific publications)
  • Doctoral dissertation (preparation and public defence)

Art Doctorate:

  • Studies and research 240 ECTS Credits (study modules  ≥ 40 ECTS; artistic-creative practice ≥ 80 ECTS; art reseach ≥ 80 ECTS)
  • Art Project (preparation and public defence)

The University admits to doctoral studies in 16 science/artistic fields coordinated by the University and 5 science/artistic fields not coordinated by the University.

Doctoral studies at KTU provide the following opportunities:

  • Double degree possibilities
  • Study modules for general skills development
  • Short-term and long-term internships for studies, research and practice
  • Doctor Europaeus certificate possibilities
  • Doctoral research in a high-profile research team
  • Incentives and rewards for active PhD students
  • “Start up Space” for entrepreneurs
  • KTU International PhD Summer School for core competences

Admission steps

General information about dates and deadlines to doctoral studies

  1. The admission is conducted in several stages:
    • submission of documents for the recognition of qualification obtained abroad in Lithuania (for those applicants who have obtained their education at a foreign higher education institution and do not have a document confirming the recognition of their diploma in Lithuania);
    • the main admission to doctoral studies coordinated by the University is held in June/July;
    • applicants to the full-time doctoral study programmes of the science/artistic fields which are not coordinated by the University are admitted under the admission regulations approved by the institutions coordinating the relevant science/artistic fields.
  2. Additional admission(s) is/are held provided there are remaining vacant state-funded and/or state-non-funded positions.
  3. The applicants who were not successful at the main admission and intend to participate in the additional admission are required to submit a repeated application with the required documents for participation in the competition and pay the application fee one more time.

Academic recognition

If education documents of the applicant have been issued at a foreign institution, the academic acknowledgement of the qualification, the identification of the equivalent subjects and their transfer into the Lithuanian evaluation system are required.

Academic recognition refers to determining the academic value of a qualification, i.e. it determines whether the foreign qualification meets the general academic requirements for a similar qualification in Lithuania.


Authorities responsible for the recognition of academic qualifications

  1. The acknowledgement of the applicant’s education documents is performed by Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) under the set out procedure.
  2. Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC) performs the role of an external supervisor of the process. The Centre monitors decisions concerning academic recognition of foreign qualifications made by KTU as well as provides methodological assistance and recommendations (including individual recommendations).


Procedure for submitting documents for academic recognition:

  1. For recognition of qualifications obtained abroad, applicants for doctoral studies should submit the following documents on the set dates in the Regulations of Admission by e-mail
  • the application for the recognition of qualification together with a copy of the valid applicant’s passport;
  • the bachelor’s diploma and diploma supplement;
  • the master’s diploma and diploma supplement;
  • a document certifying the change of name and/or surname if the documents of education are issued in a different name and/or surname;
  • other documents (if any) required for the objective assessment of qualification, certifying another education acquired by the applicant, explaining the acquired qualifications or the submitted documents of education.
  1. Requirements for the documents:
    • the documents must be official, i.e. issued by competent and authorised institutions and/or persons;
    • all scans must be made from original documents (i.e. NOT copies), be in full colour and also be clear and legible. Any scans that do not meet such requirements will be disregarded;
    • all documents issued in languages other than English or Lithuanian should be supplemented with an official translation into one of these languages approved under the procedure stipulated by the Law of the Republic of Lithuania. Documents issued in English or Lithuanian do not require a translation.
  2. KTU reserves the right to request the legalisation of documents.
  3. Provisional degree certificates* may be submitted for the procedure of the recognition of qualification if the study process is not completed at the time of submission or in cases when the document certifying the qualification is not awarded immediately after graduation.
  4. KTU reserves the right to request from the applicant any additional documents necessary to carry out the qualification assessment and recognition procedures competently.
  5. The application will not be processed if the submitted documents are suspected to be fraudulent.
  6. Documents for the recognition of qualifications obtained abroad are accepted only on the dates set out in the Regulations of Admission.


*For the submission of the admission documents to doctoral studies only the final documents (diplomas) certifying the qualification and the supplements thereof shall be submitted. A temporary (provisional) degree certificates are not accepted.


Duration of academic recognition

  1. Once all the necessary documents have been submitted, including the requested additional documents, the procedure for the recognition of academic qualifications at the University is completed within 1 month.
  2. If application package is incomplete and/or additional information is required, applicant will be notified by e-mail. Then the processing of the application will be suspended, until the required documentation and/or information is provided.
  3. In individual cases, the University will ask the SKVC to make an individual recommendation. In this case, recognition of the academic qualification may take up to 3 months.


The procedure is free of charge. The University will not cover any costs related to the submission of the required documentation.


Automatic recognition


The following qualifications are recognised automatically without any additional procedures:


  • Estonian and Latvian qualifications concerning higher education awarded from 2019. More information on automatic recognition can be found here.


More information is available here: KTU Academic Recognition


Financial information

Tuition fee

Students admitted to state-funded positions are exempted of tuition fee.

Self-funded doctoral students pay the tuition fee:

Science Area Annual tuition fee, EUR
Technological Sciences 11 837 €
Natural Sciences 11 837 €
Social Sciences 11 837 €
Humanities 11 837 €
Visual Arts 11 837 €



Frequently asked questions

Diplomas & Academic Records & Transcripts

Diploma recognition is the alignment of Lithuanian and foreign education. In order for you to be accepted for study in Lithuania, your previous education needs to be evaluated against the Lithuanian degree structure.
The acknowledgement of the applicant’s education documents is performed by the University under the procedure set out by the University. More information is available at academic-recognition.

You will be informed by email about the results of recognition within ~1 month.

When we receive documents required for the recognition of qualification, the process of your foreign degree documents evaluation and recognition will be started.

More information about important dates here: Dates and deadlines

For the admission process you have to submit your final degree diploma, a temporary (provisional) degree certificate is not accepted.
A temporary (provisional) degree certificate is a document issued by an institution to a student who has been awarded or conferred an academic degree. The temporary (provisional) degree certificate is issued as a replacement for the actual degree certificate e.g. in case the actual degree certificate cannot be given to the student immediately after the studies have been completed due to technical or administrative reasons. As far as all foreign degree diplomas must be evaluated and recognized, only final certificates are processed, and therefore any temporary / provisional diplomas will be considered as insufficient for final evaluation and recognition.

If your Master’s diploma was issued outside Lithuania, then according to the regulations it must be evaluated and recognized. For diploma recognition process both Bachelor and Master diplomas and their supplements are mandatory.
More information is available on KTU Academic Recognition

All Master’s degree documents issued in languages other than English or Lithuanian should be supplemented with an official translation.

All documents (original language and translation) necessary for the evaluation must be officially certified!

  • The certificates in original language must be notarized. A simple copy, attached to a certified translation, is not enough.
  • The translated documents must be officially certified or stamped by the translator

Usually, a translation contains, in addition to the translation, a copy of the certificate in original language. However, translators are only allowed to certify the document issued by themselves. Take both the translation and the original certificate with you to the certifying authority. By this you can ensure that both documents (translation and document in original language) can be certified.

It is required that you list all post-secondary institutions you have attended: you need to list details about your both Bachelor’s and Master’s studies (and PhD, if applicable). If you are currently pursuing your  PhD research, you must also indicate that information.

Provided that your studies are in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and if the Graduation Ceremony is later than the application deadline, you should contact the your Faculty/Academic Office with the request to issue:
– a document certifying the fact that you have completed certain Master programme, and the date of diploma awarding must be indicated;
– an academic transcript of all study semesters in that Master programme, including credits and evaluations, as well as the results of Master thesis defence.

Additional supporting documents

The recommendations have to be issued in the same calendar year when the candidate’s application is submitted. Therefore, if you are applying in 2024, the recommendation is considered valid if issued in 2024.

A recommendation must explicitly specify the institution and the doctoral programme to which the candidate is being recommended. That means, that the refereee should clearly indicate that he/she recommends you for PhD studies in, for example, Informatics Engineering, at Kaunas University of Technology.

In such case, for those programmes where it is mandatory to provide a recommendation by the supervisor of the topic, your application will be considered as incomplete and will be withdrawn from the competition.

According to the Admission Regulations recommendations by two scientists representing the relevant science field (a recommendation of the supervisor of the topic to which the applicant is applying is required in the science fields specified in Appendix 2 to the Regulations; if the applicant is applying to the positions of doctoral studies funded under the invitation to doctoral studies under the competition of the Research Council of Lithuania, a recommendation of the supervisor of the topic to which the applicant is applying is required). The recommendations have to be prepared in the same calendar year when the applicant’s application is submitted. A recommendation has to clearly specify the institution and the science field to which the applicant is being recommended.

A consent of the supervisor of the topic to which the candidate is applying to Informatics Engineering is required to confirm that the supervisor agrees to supervise the candidate if he/she is invited to studies.
That means that a candidate has to communicate with that researcher (future supervisor) well before the application deadline.

A list of the research works has to be submitted with the unabridged bibliographic description. You may search the internet on “bibliographical references on a list of references” to see what it looks like.

No, only PDF format is acceptable.
Failure to follow the requirements may result in rejection of application.

No, research proposal ≠ research paper.

Note! 2 topics = 2 research proposals, that means if you choose two different topics in  the programme that requires research proposal, you will have to write two different proposals, for each of your chosen topic.

How to write a research proposal: Admission regulations Annex 5

Yes, you are eligible apply to all programmes offered by KTU except to Informatics Engineering: for this programme at least one publication is mandatory.

In this case you will have to write a research paper on the topic that you are applying to. If you choose two different topics, you will have to write two different research papers for each of your chosen topic.

How to write a research paper: Admission regulations Annex 4

If there is no English level indicated in your MSc or BSc diploma supplement, register for a test and obtain your certificate at:
– KTU Centre of Foreign Languages
– any institution, certified to provide this service

It now possible to document your English through the TOEFL IBT Special Home Edition Test. The test is a possibility for students to take their test at home rather than at a test center.

Unfortunately no late documents or test results are accepted.

Application fee

No, all mandatory documents (including copy of application fee transfer) must be submitted by the application deadline.

Eligibility & Requirements

Yes, you can if you meet the requirements for both programmes. However, consider:
-the mandatory recommendations of supervisors
-your scientific experience in both science fields
-participation in interviews with each committee
-your motivation

You are eligible (provided that you have certain background and scientific experience in Mechanical Engineering, Technological Sciences).
After admission: possible necessity to take additional courses in the field of science (fee-paying).

Results of admission

No, the minimum required score does not guarantee you a position.
A certain number of state-funded positions can be less than the number of candidates with >min.competition score.

If you believe that the admission decision is incorrect, you may lodge an appeal. Follow the instructions included in the Admission Regulations.