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Data Science and Engineering

The first and only one in Lithuania. This program, which combines the fields of data science and data engineering into one, arguably is the most promising 21st-century study program, that has earned such a title. A strong mathematical foundation and IT knowledge are a great tandem for those in a hurry to keep up with the changes in the digital age.

It is no secret that the amount of data generated daily is enormous and growing daily. What to do with zettabytes of data to keep it from becoming a digital recycle bin? Put them in the hands of a smart data scientist or data engineer. Such specialists are currently in great demand in the market, so high career prospects are guaranteed.

If you dream of exciting challenges, promising development, and a competitive salary, you want to master machine learning methods and create artificial intelligence systems – this is the place for you.

Location Kaunas
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Cycle First cycle
Field Applied Mathematics, Information Systems
Language Lithuanian
Form Full-time studies - 4 y. (day-time; on-campus)
Degree awarded Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences
Yearly Price  i Full-time studies - 3836 €

Entry requirements

Application procedure

The programme is only conducted in Lithuanian language. Entry requirements for this particular programme can be found in the programme description provided in Lithuanian language.



Tuition fee

The indicated tuition fee is applied to 2024-2025 academic year.

Foreign nationals with Lithuanian origins and EU citizens
Full-time studies 3836 €
Price per credit 63,93 €
Partial tuition fee waiver can be applied for the study price.


Financial support






Module of the study programme by semesters






Where to worlds merge

In the past, it was common for some professionals to work only with certain parts of the data cycle. However, you, future professionals in the blended math and computer sciences, will be able to work with data collection, storage, and management, tailoring it all to business.


Knowledge from a whole new angle

The methods of data science and data engineering used in information systems are a completely new model. Therefore, by studying here, you will develop your mathematical and algorithmic thinking, you will be able to manage data and its most advanced databases, you will know the technologies of artificial intelligence.


Latest software

You may not have heard of names like SAS, MATLAB, SQL, R or PYTHON yet. But for data scientists, these are the hallmarks of the highest quality. Here you will learn how to use it all.


Innovations for Europe

In 2025, the data traffic in the world will rise to 175 zetabytes. What does this mean? This means that hundreds of billions of euros are earmarked for data management and their professionals – Europe is already preparing to recruit our future graduates.


Number of jobs keeps is growing

It is not for nothing that the profession of data scientist is called one of the best in the world. Forecasts suggest that by 2025, the need for these professionals will double at least.

Product and service development

Are you interested in creating real products and services while studying? It is now possible to test yourself by getting involved in a product development project (PDP). During the project, you will work in teams, collaborating with KTU researchers and social partners. While solving current, relevant problems you will improve your teamwork, project management, and problem-solving skills, deepen professional knowledge and expand your career opportunities.



Your knowledge will allow you to:

– Find and analyze various sources of information and data.
– Create mathematical models of real systems, compare them with each other and interpret the results.
– Develop algorithms and applications, use software to create various data models.
– Identify problems in information systems and choose appropriate methods to solve them.
– Analyze, plan, model and forecast business activities.
– Design information systems and databases.



You may become

These specialists analyze and interpret the data, and for this purpose they develop new algorithms based on artificial intelligence methods. They are characterized by versatility, creativity, know how to program well, are able to perfectly visualize data.




Lecturers. Experts in their field

Minvydas Kazys Ragulskis

Minvydas Kazys Ragulskis

Professor at Mathematical Modelling Department
Robertas Alzbutas

Robertas Alzbutas

Professor at Applied Mathematics Department
Vytautas Janilionis

Vytautas Janilionis

Associate Professor at Applied Mathematics Department
Bronė Narkevičienė

Bronė Narkevičienė

Associate Professor at Mathematical Modelling Department, Dean
Tomas Iešmantas

Tomas Iešmantas

Associate Professor at Applied Mathematics Department
Mindaugas Kavaliauskas

Mindaugas Kavaliauskas

Associate Professor at Applied Mathematics Department
Jurgita Dabulytė

Jurgita Dabulytė – Bagdonavičienė

Associate Professor at Applied Mathematics Department
Tomas Ruzgas

Tomas Ruzgas

Associate Professor at Applied Mathematics Department
Aleksejus Michalkovič

Aleksejus Michalkovič

Associate Professor at Applied Mathematics Department
Mantas Landauskas

Mantas Landauskas

Associate Professor at Mathematical Modelling Department
Stasė Petraitienė

Stasė Petraitienė

Associate Professor at Applied Mathematics Department
Kęstutis Lukšys

Kęstutis Lukšys

Associate Professor at Applied Mathematics Department
RIta Butkienė

Rita Butkienė

Associate Professor at the Department of Information Systems, Dean
Jurga  Duobienė

Jurga Duobienė

Data, technology and business ethics
Kęstutis Daugėla

Kęstutis Daugėla

Technical Leader at SEB Group
Lina Čeponienė

Lina Čeponienė

Associate Professor at Information Systems Department
Rimantas Butleris

Rimantas Butleris

Associate Professor at Information Systems Department

Evaldas Vaičiukynas

Professor at Information Systems Department




Eglė Ramanauskienė

Eglė Ramanauskienė

State Tax Inspectorate under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania


Having a working experience of information systems gives a data scientist a great advantage in this specialty. Interdisciplinary program Data Science and Engineering, offers synergies between data science and information systems. We believe that the graduates of this program will be especially in demand in the labour market and will be able to realize themselves in various job positions in both the public and private sectors.





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