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Information and Information Technology Security

The Master’s degree study programme is aimed at preparation of Masters who have the basics of cyber security theory, methods and technologies, knowledge of information security management and cyber space legal regulation, are able to work independently and with due qualification in the field of ensuring cyber security – to evaluate, design and implement safe systems of information technologies and security management, solve security problems related to social engineering, plan and implement the continuation of activity and restoration of cyber systems.

Location Kaunas
Faculty of Informatics
Cycle Second cycle
Field Informatics Engineering
Language Lithuanian
Form Full-time studies - 2 y. (evening-time; blended learning)
Degree awarded Master of Computing
Flexible learning pathways Interdisciplinary competence
Yearly Price  i Full-time studies - 5538 €

Entry requirements

Application procedure

The programme is only conducted in Lithuanian language. Entry requirements for this particular programme can be found in the programme description provided in Lithuanian language.



Tuition fee

The indicated tuition fee is applied to 2025-2026 academic year.

Foreign nationals with Lithuanian origins and EU citizens
Full-time studies 5538 €
Price per credit 92,3 €
Partial tuition fee waiver can be applied for the study price.


Financial support





Module of the study programme by semesters


Elements – IT systems, computer networks, cybercrime
Technologies – IT security technologies, modelling, cryptography, principles of creation
Cyber security – methods, audit and inspection, security policy
Virtualisation – environment management, clustering, virtual architecture
Cyber security technologies Cyber security management Cybercrime investigation




It is the only Master’s degree study programme in the universities of Lithuania where all aspects of cyber security are delivered – from technological to managerial and legal

The study programme is implemented in mixed study method by using remote teaching technologies.


Good knowledge of all cyber security subjects

The specialist of cyber security working in a company is able to initiate new and innovative solutions of information and IT security, apply theoretical methods and technologies of information security by designing computer systems, analyse and evaluate information and IT security systems, solve information security management problems, i.e. analyse and evaluate information security threats and risks, perform information security system audit and certification procedures, prepare information security policy, information security management projects, apply information security management systems, incidents and configuration control tools, identify the crimes in electronic space, collect their proof.


High demand for specialists and one of the highest-paid wages on the market

The graduates from this programme can work as IT security specialists, IT auditors, IT system designers, programmers, experts of cybercrime investigation, IT unit managers. The graduates are already working in SEB group service provision centre, TransUnion, ATEA, Telia, Blue Solutions, iTo, Lithuanian Police, the Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of Lithuania.


The study process applies mixed teaching technologies

The study process uses mixed learning technologies – Zoom, MS Teams, Moodle, specialized IT security laboratories with the latest hardware and software.


Motivated students

The students that have the Bachelor’s qualification degrees in the fields of Informatics Engineering studies, Mathematics and Computer Science or Electronics and Electricity Engineering studies are studying in the programme.


Knowledge and skills acquired during studies will allow:

– Assess, plan, design and implement secure information technology systems;
– Solve software security problems, as well as security problems related to social engineering;
– Design and implement information security management systems, plan and implement continuity of operations and recovery of computer systems.


You may become

Software developer

– Research, analysis and assessment of requirements for software and operational systems;
– Research, development and improvement of computer software systems;
– Assessment, improvement, updates of software maintenance procedures for operational systems, communications environment and applications, preparation of respective documents, team management.



Lecturers. Experts in their field

Povilas Nanevičius

Povilas Nanevičius

“Rocket Software Lithuania”
Vilius Benetis

dr. Vilius Benetis

NRD CS Director
Šarūnas Virbickas

Šarūnas Virbickas

LLC Privacy Partners
Tautvydas Bakšys

dr. Tautvydas Bakšys

National Cyber Security Centre under the MoD, Head of Innovation and Teaching Department




Talk to us, study with us
tel. +370 679 44 555