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Artificial Intelligence in Computer Science

The field of Artificial Intelligence and Informatics is undergoing highly dynamic development. KTU MSc Informatics  study programme is designed to convey the competences for the students needed to actively contribute to the process of improvement and innovation.

At KTU, you will study cloud computing, modern artificial intelligence methods and techniques, data analysis, project management,  virtual reality and 3D modelling and will learn how these techniques can be applied to the development of the final  IT product. From the first semester of study, students are given the opportunity to specialize in a narrower field of study, thus acquiring the competence of an expert in the field of Image Synthesis and Analysis or Distributed and Mobile Computing.

Our graduates not only have deeper knowledge in the fields of Applied Informatics and Artificial Intelligence, but also are able to take decisions and independently perform scientific research, develop new, intelligent IT solutions, plan and coordinate work of IT specialists and lead the development of IT projects.

Location Kaunas
Faculty of Informatics
Cycle Second cycle
Field Informatics
Language Lithuanian, English
Form Full-time studies - 2 y. (evening-time; blended learning)
Degree awarded Master of Computing
Yearly Price  i Full-time studies - 5266 €
  • Vienna University of Technology
  • Aalborg University
  • University of Bologna
  • Stockholm University
  • Karlstad University

International Studies Office
Student Info Center
Studentų St. 50, LT-51368 Kaunas


Entry requirements

Minimum requirements

University bachelor degree certificate

Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, Informatics or Physical Sciences study field degree; and ≥30ECTS completed in the Mathematics, Informatics or Informatics engineering study field subjects.

Language CGPA

IELTS ≥6.0, TOEFL ≥85, CEFR ≥C1, or previously completed studies in english language.

Average grade (CGPA) > 60 %

Additional requirements

Bachelor’s degree diploma supplement has to contain ≥30ECTS completed in the Mathematics, Informatics or Informatics engineering study field subjects.

Often you can get a suitable transcript of bachelor degree from your school. If this is not the case, you will need official translations along with verified copies of the original.

The entry qualification documents are accepted in the following languages: English / Russian.

The documents must be legalised (Apostille) by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country where the documents were issued. This requirement does not apply for the documents issued in the EU and Belarus, Ukraine.


Score structure

Component Coefficient
First component of the competition score

Average grade(CGPA) of University‘s Bachelor’s degree (min. length – 180 ECTS) and its supplement


Second component of the competition score

Motivation letter and online interview


Additional component for the competition score:

Additional points can be added to the competition score for the following activities:

  • science activities (scientific publications, presentations at scientific conferences, participation in exhibitions, work in student science society or science group etc.) or art activities (publication or realization of artwork, participation in art exhibitions, contests of architecture) (up to 2 points);
  • at least 1 year work experience in the field of study programme (0,5 points);
  • partial studies in the higher education institution abroad with ≥24 ECTS completed (0,5 points);
  • graduated from academic talent development program in higher education institution (for example “GIFTed talent academy”) (0,5 points);
  • bachelor’s or master’s (if integrated study programme is completed) degree diploma with honors (0,5 points).

Points from the same criteria are only added once. Points from different criteria are added up. The maximum score from additional points criteria can be no higher than 4.


Tuition fee

The indicated tuition fee is applied to 2024-2025 academic year.

Full-time studies 5266 €
Price per credit 87,77 €
Foreign nationals with Lithuanian origins and EU citizens
Full-time studies 5266 €
Price per credit 87,77 €
Partial tuition fee waiver can be applied for the study price.


Financial support






Module of the study programme by semesters


Virtual reality – construction methods, reconstructions, algorithms
3D objects – changes of coordinates, creation of image projections
Multimedia data mining – World Wide Web, static images, dynamic images, sound
Technologies for mobile devices – development, innovations, installation
Broader knowledge of the formation of systems' mathematical models Ability to apply contemporary methods to calculations in multimedia, integrating knowledge of informatics Broader knowledge in theory of artificial intellect Ability to evaluate qualitative parameters of IT-based systems and their need in the market





Studies through a blended learning approach using distance learning technologies

During the studies, academic classes take place in the evenings on working days, all theoretical and most practical classes take place remotely, exams are held at the University, in exceptional cases – remotely.


Opportunities to get involved in the project activities, to carry out scientific practice or apply for Erasmus + studies in the best universities of Europe.

During the studies, special attention is paid to practical research problems and tasks in the field of applied informatics and artificial intelligence. This is implemented both during the study subjects and in the 3rd semester by collaborating with university research groups and business companies through research practice or applied research project activities.

KTU participates in Erasmus+ programme and is a member of ECIU university. It means that part of your study activities can be carried out as Erasmus + studies in the best universities of Europe.


Research and development of artificial intelligence

KTU is renowned for research and development of artificial intelligence, IT for modelling and simulation led by research leaders prof. R. Barauskas, assoc. prof. A. Paulauskaitė-Tarasevičienė and others.



A unique to Lithuania MA+ study model allows students either to aim for excellence in a chosen speciality field or to strengthen their interdisciplinary competencies by choosing different elective study paths (18 credits).These can be studies in Business, Data Security, Project Management or other study field.


Baltic IT hub

Outstanding links with local industry for cooperative placement, collaborative research and employment: Lithuania and Kaunas are called Baltic IT hub. It brings wide career opportunities in Lithuania as well as in the whole Baltic region.



Knowledge and skills acquired during studies will allow:

– Design informatics models (including AI-based as well) for analysis and improvement of IT and multimedia systems, business processes and software systems;
– Design network, multimedia or other IT services, complex Internet and multimedia systems;
– Plan and coordinate works of the group of specialists in designing and realisation of IT projects;
– Individually set tasks of IT team management, IT system design and scientific tasks for himself/herself and solve them;
– Plan and conduct experiments and calculations of informatics, analyse and summarise their results;
– Conduct synthesis of different research results, make conclusions;
– Able to conduct synthesis of different research results, make conclusions.



You may become

IT systems architect

– Design of IT systems architecture: servers, data repositories, visualisation, reserve copies, archiving;
– Development of the services based on cloud computing at the data centre;
– Participation in the process of creation and development of IT systems projects
– Analysis, design and documenting of IT systems;
– Specification of customers’ needs, presentation of solutions’ architecture to the customers.



MA+ competences

Master+ is a unique model within a chosen MSc programme

The Master+ model offers either to masterpiece in the chosen discipline by choosing the Field Expert track or to strengthen the interdisciplinary skills in addition to the main discipline by choosing the Interdisciplinary Expert track providing a choice of a different competence to compliment the chosen discipline and achieve a competitive advantage in one’s career.

Students of these study programmes can choose between the path of Field Expert and Interdisciplinary Expert. Selection is made in the academic information system. Each path (competence) consists of three subjects (18 credits) allocated as follows: 1 year 1 semester (autumn) – first subject (6 credits), 1 year 2 semester (spring) – second subject (6 credits), 2 year 3 semester – third subject (6 credits). A student, who chooses a path of the Field Expert, deepens knowledge and strengthens skills in the main field of studies. The one, who chooses a path of the Interdisciplinary Expert, acquires knowledge and skills in a different area or field of studies. Competence provides a choice of alternative additional subjects.

  • Field Expert (profound knowledge and skills in the area, required for solution of scientific research tasks);
  • Interdisciplinary Expert:
    (fields of different knowledge and skills are combined for solution of specific tasks);

Acquisition of the competence is certified by the issue of KTU certificate and entry in the appendix to the Master’s diploma. In addition, students can acquire an international certificate (details are provided next to each competence).

Competences are implemented by KTU lecturers – experts in their area – and high level business and public sector organizations; their employees deliver lectures, submit topics for the student’s theses, placement-oriented tasks for the projects, etc.




Lecturers. Experts in their field

Tadas Danielius

Tadas Danielius

Senior Data Scientist at Euromonitor International
Agnė Paulauskaitė-Tarasevičienė

Agnė Paulauskaitė-Tarasevičienė

Head of KTU Artificial Intelligence Centre, Associate Professor at KTU Faculty of Informatics. Research directions: Intelligent decision making systems, image processing and analysis
Mantas  Lukoševičius

Mantas Lukoševičius

Associate Professor at KTU Faculty of Informatics. Research directions: Biomedicine, image and natural language signal processing and analysis
William Hogland

William Hoagland

professor at Linnaeus University (Sweden)




Algirdas Stonys

Algirdas Stonys



Masters of Informatics who know artificial intelligence technologies and are able to exploit its potential are very useful for us in carrying out RTD (Research and technological development) tasks and work in European projects", - Algirdas Stonys, director of UAB "TELESOFTAS"





International Studies Office
Student Info Center
Studentų St. 50, LT-51368 Kaunas