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Studying master’s in Mechatronics at KTU is a great opportunity to delve even deeper into this extremely interesting and innovative complex field that connects many technological areas.

Mechatronics engineers made tremendous contributions to the 4th Industrial Revolution, which reduced the need for human labour dramatically. After completing a master’s in Mechatronics at KTU, you will further increase your career opportunities in global markets, equipped with the competencies of creating engineering solutions for transport, medicine, or aerospace industry. This study program is developed to upgrade your interdisciplinary engineering skills, which are based on the systematic combination of knowledge and methods within the fields of mechanical, control and computer engineering.

After your studies, you will be able to solve complex technical problems related to the design, analysis, quality assurance, operation, monitoring, and diagnostics of macro and micro-mechatronic systems.

  • Wide range of elective courses, allowing to specialise in the preferred domain of mechatronics
  • The accumulated multidisciplinary background enables the graduates to opt for a research-oriented carrier by pursuing a PhD
  • KTU pioneered the studies in mechatronics in Lithuania and has a long-standing experience in the field
  • Open access to a wide range of state-of-the-art educational and research facilities


Location Kaunas
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Design
Cycle Second cycle
Field Production and Manufacturing Engineering
Language English
Form Full-time studies - 2 y. (evening-time; blended learning)
Degree awarded Master of Engineering Sciences
Yearly Price  i Full-time studies - 5266 €
  • University of Bologna
  • Ilmenau University of Technology
  • Polytechnic University of Catalonia
  • University of Ljubljana
  • Munich University of Applied Sciences

International Studies Office
Student Info Center
Studentų St. 50, LT-51368 Kaunas


Representative video


Entry requirements

Minimum requirements

University bachelor degree certificate

Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, Informatics or Physical Sciences study field degree.

Language CGPA

IELTS ≥6.0, TOEFL ≥85, CEFR ≥C1, or previously completed studies in english language.

Average grade (CGPA) > 60 %

Additional requirements

Often you can get a suitable transcript of bachelor degree from your school. If this is not the case, you will need official translations along with verified copies of the original.

The entry qualification documents are accepted in the following languages: English / Russian.

The documents must be legalised (Apostille) by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country where the documents were issued. This requirement does not apply for the documents issued in the EU and Belarus, Ukraine.


Score structure

Component Coefficient
First component of the competition score

Average grade(CGPA) of University‘s Bachelor’s degree (min. length – 180 ECTS) and its supplement


Second component of the competition score

Motivation letter and online interview


Additional component for the competition score:

Additional points can be added to the competition score for the following activities:

  • science activities (scientific publications, presentations at scientific conferences, participation in exhibitions, work in student science society or science group etc.) or art activities (publication or realization of artwork, participation in art exhibitions, contests of architecture) (up to 2 points);
  • at least 1 year work experience in the field of study programme (0,5 points);
  • partial studies in the higher education institution abroad with ≥24 ECTS completed (0,5 points);
  • graduated from academic talent development program in higher education institution (for example “GIFTed talent academy”) (0,5 points);
  • bachelor’s or master’s (if integrated study programme is completed) degree diploma with honors (0,5 points).

Points from the same criteria are only added once. Points from different criteria are added up. The maximum score from additional points criteria can be no higher than 4.


Tuition fee

The indicated tuition fee is applied to 2024-2025 academic year.

Full-time studies 5266 €
Price per credit 87,77 €
Foreign nationals with Lithuanian origins and EU citizens
Full-time studies 5266 €
Price per credit 87,77 €
Partial tuition fee waiver can be applied for the study price.


Financial support






Module of the study programme by semesters


Structures – design, numerical modeling and analysis, dynamics
Elements – actuators, sensors, controllers, embedded systems, microsystems, MEMS
Technologies – CAD, CAE, CAM, SCADA, nanotechnologies, monitoring, diagnostics
Robotic systems – automation, assembly, programmable logic controllers, installation, maintenance, quality assurance

Design and analysis of mechanical elements of mechatronic systems Design and analysis of control elements of mechatronic systems Maintenance and monitoring of mechatronic systems Design, materials and fabrication of microsystems (MEMS)





Mechatronics – engineering „decathlon“

Studies in Mechatronics occupy the crossroads of several engineering sciences and allow to gain and selectively deepen the knowledge and practical skills in mechanics, control systems, electronics and information technology through application of systems approach. The programme encompasses a wide range of elective courses, which provide favorable conditions for students to specialize in the preferred domain of mechatronics: from structural design to adaptive control, from product development to maintenance, from macro to micro mechatronics systems. The accumulated multidisciplinary background enables the graduates to opt for a research-oriented carrier by pursuing PhD degree in mechanical engineering or other fields related to mechatronics.

Knowledge and skills

Multidisciplinary competences for creative problem solving

Modern industry faces an increasing shortage of versatile professionals, who possess a wide-ranging engineering skillset. In this programme students gain knowledge in technical project management, integrated product development, computer-aided design and manufacturing. The syllabus focuses on methods and tools applied for design and analysis of electromechanical, automated, robotic, control and embedded systems as well as introduces to the methods and tools used in production information systems, nanoengineering, machine monitoring and diagnostics. These multidisciplinary courses provide a solid foundation for a graduate to become effective in design, development, installation and maintenance of a wide range of complex machinery and devices. It is not uncommon that experts in mechatronics take a leading role in the process of innovative product development.


Mechatronic qualifications meet the needs of modern industry

The engineering industry is among the largest employers, therefore the students in Mechatronics have an ample selection when planning their carrier path. In Lithuania alone there are about 2000 companies, where many job positions are related to mechatronics to some extent. Therefore, the graduates are successfully employed in nearly all manufacturing and service sectors, where they pursue carriers as CAD designers and product developers, research analysts, automation and operation engineers, instrumentation and quality control engineers, maintenance and support engineers as well as sales engineers, technical consultants or project managers. Alternatively, the graduates may embark on a research path within the academia and R&D organizations or establish start-ups in order to develop and commercialize high added-value mechatronic products.


Competitive advantage in the job market of today and tomorrow

Due to interdisciplinary knowledge and skills the graduates of Mechatronics are valued by employers as being able to more rapidly adapt to specific requirements of a particular engineering-oriented job position. This professional flexibility facilitates pursuit of various carrier paths within different manufacturing industries as well as within technical service sector. Experts in mechatronics are crucial in highly innovative and internationally competing manufacturing companies, where process automation is inevitably based on mechatronic technologies. Mechatronics engineers are particularly welcome in industrial and R&D sectors of the developed countries, where smart macro/micro-mechatronic systems are continually developed and implemented in advanced technological machinery, robotics, medical and testing devices, aerospace and automotive equipment.


The most advanced mechatronics laboratories in Lithuania

KTU pioneered the studies in mechatronics in Lithuania and has the long-standing experience in the field as well as provides open access to a wide range of the state-of-the-art educational and research facilities. As part of their curriculum, the students acquire useful hands-on experience in various mechatronics, robotics and clean-room laboratories.



Student’s competences:
– To apply new solutions and application methods of mechatronics engineering problems.
– To make engineering solutions when facing a complex, technically undefined and incomprehensive information.
– To assess the latest achievements in mechatronics, to have knowledge of the latest materials, production methods and reliability.

Student’s skills:
– Able to apply mechatronics knowledge in critical assessment and solving of myriad of new problems.
– Able to conduct tests, model or simulate functionality and operational properties of mechatronic systems.
– Able to use the principles of engineering management, understands interaction of its structural elements, is able to assess operational and environmental safety aspects in engineering activities.
– Able to process and provide information and arguments for various audiences.


You may become

– Design, modelling, analysis and improvement of industrial equipment, automation/robotics systems, precision machinery and mechanical and/or control components of various other mechatronic equipment;
– Search for rational engineering solutions and options of effective constructions. Preparation and coordination of technical projects, preparation of design and technological documentation (drawings, models, specifications);
– Development and testing of models, samples and prototypes.



MA+ competences

Master+ is a unique model within a chosen MSc programme

The Master+ model offers either to masterpiece in the chosen discipline by choosing the Field Expert track or to strengthen the interdisciplinary skills in addition to the main discipline by choosing the Interdisciplinary Expert track providing a choice of a different competence to compliment the chosen discipline and achieve a competitive advantage in one’s career.

Students of these study programmes can choose between the path of Field Expert and Interdisciplinary Expert. Selection is made in the academic information system. Each path (competence) consists of three subjects (18 credits) allocated as follows: 1 year 1 semester (autumn) – first subject (6 credits), 1 year 2 semester (spring) – second subject (6 credits), 2 year 3 semester – third subject (6 credits). A student, who chooses a path of the Field Expert, deepens knowledge and strengthens skills in the main field of studies. The one, who chooses a path of the Interdisciplinary Expert, acquires knowledge and skills in a different area or field of studies. Competence provides a choice of alternative additional subjects.

  • Field Expert (profound knowledge and skills in the area, required for solution of scientific research tasks);
  • Interdisciplinary Expert:
    (fields of different knowledge and skills are combined for solution of specific tasks);

Acquisition of the competence is certified by the issue of KTU certificate and entry in the appendix to the Master’s diploma. In addition, students can acquire an international certificate (details are provided next to each competence).

Competences are implemented by KTU lecturers – experts in their area – and high level business and public sector organizations; their employees deliver lectures, submit topics for the student’s theses, placement-oriented tasks for the projects, etc.




Clemens Dicke

Clemens Dicke

SON-X, Project manager


I graduated in Germany with my bachelor´s degree in Mechatronics at the University of Applied Science Koblenz. Afterwards I decided to continue my studies abroad at the Kaunas technological University (KTU). Here I attended the master program of mechatronics with a specialization in micro- and nanotechnology. At the University I acquired a lot of useful knowledge according measurement methods to analyze nanostructures and materials as well as innovative manufacturing processes such as 3D-printing, electron beam melting, etc. In contrast to my technical subjects I was also able to take some classes in Lithuanian language which was quite a challenge. Still I managed to learned some important basics like how to order drinks in a bar or ask for someone´s name.

Dr. Vytis Varnavičius

Dr. Vytis Varnavičius

JSC „Kitron“, LEAN and quality manager


My professional experience shows that the graduates of Mechatronics program have valuable knowledge in application of smart materials, process modeling based on virtual systems, process automation, adaptive control systems as well as engineering project management. Strong competences in these and related Mechatronics domains are crucial nowadays when undertaking technical projects related with product development, analysis and upscaling of manufacturing. I would also note that these competences are indispensable in electronics industry, where we observe an obvious trend of shrinking system dimensions, increasing integration density as well as fusion of electronic and micromechanical components.





International Studies Office
Student Info Center
Studentų St. 50, LT-51368 Kaunas