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Admission and Studies at Kaunas University of Technology

Kaunas University of Technology offers a wide range of study programmes, each designed to harness innovation and adapt to the changing needs of industry. We offer admission to three main academic levels: bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral studies. KTU also provides opportunities for transfer studies, exchange programmes and preparatory courses for those wishing to broaden their professional perspectives. KTU students gain not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills that prepare them to effectively tackle real-world challenges. Build a strong foundation for your career by studying at KTU.

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KTU offers a wide range of study programmes

KTU offers a wide range of study programmes focused on research-based studies. The applicants can choose from more than 120 study programmes and be admitted to the study programmes of the first cycle (bachelor’s) or integrated studies, the study programmes of the second cycle (master’s) or third cycle (doctoral) studies under the procedure of a competition.

Bachelor’s studies are the first cycle studies. The individuals who have secondary education and comply with other requirements set out by the University are admitted to these studies. The volume of the study programmes is 180 or 240 study credits; the duration of full-time studies is 3 or 4 years. The studies are completed by the bachelor’s final degree project and the graduates are awarded the bachelor’s qualification degree equivalent of the level six of the Lithuanian Qualifications Framework and providing the right to perform professional activities and/or continue studies in the master’s (second cycle) studies. The list of the bachelor’s study programmes offered by the University is available here.


Integrated studies include the first and second cycle studies. The individuals who have secondary education, pass the entrance examination and comply with other requirements set out by the University are admitted to these studies. The University provides one study programme of integrated studies – Architecture in the volume of 300 study credits; the duration of studies is 5 years. The studies are completed by the final degree project and the graduates are awarded the master’s qualification degree equivalent of the level seven of the Lithuanian Qualifications Framework and providing the right to perform professional activities and/or continue studies in the doctoral (third cycle) studies.

Master’s studies are the second cycle studies. The individuals who have graduated from the bachelor’s (first cycle) or integrated (bachelor’s and master’s) studies and comply with other requirements set out by the University are admitted to these studies. The volume of the study programmes is 90 or 120 study credits; the duration of full-time studies is 1.5 or 2 years. The studies are completed by the master’s final degree project and the graduates are awarded the master’s qualification degree equivalent of the level seven of the Lithuanian Qualifications Framework and providing the right to perform professional activities and/or continue studies in the doctoral (third cycle) studies. The list of the master’s study programmes offered by the University is available here.

Doctoral studies are intended for the preparation of scientists capable of performing independent research and experimental development work, solving scientific problems and working in an academic and non-academic environment. The duration of doctoral studies is 4 years (full-time studies). The individuals who hold a master’s or equivalent qualification degree can apply to doctoral studies. Doctoral studies include the studies (30 ECTS), the research, the preparation and defence of the doctoral dissertation. After the completion of doctoral studies and defence of the doctoral dissertation, the graduate is awarded the doctoral degree.

Executive MBA is the second cycle studies. The graduates of the bachelor’s (first cycle) studies who have at least 3 years of managerial work experience are admitted to these studies. The volume of the study programmes is 60 study credits; the duration of studies is 1 year. The Master’s Degree of Business Administration (MBA) is awarded to the graduates. This degree corresponds to level 7 of the Lithuanian Qualifications Framework. The list of the study programmes of the MBA studies offered at the University is available here.

Integrated studies include both first and second cycle studies. The persons who have a secondary education, have passed the entrance examination and comply with other requirements set out by the University are admitted to these studies. The University provides one study programme of integrated studies – Architecture; its volume is 300 study credits; the duration of studies is 5 years. The studies are completed by the master’s final degree project; the master’s qualification degree is awarded to the graduates. This degree corresponds to level 7 of the Lithuanian Qualifications Framework and gives the right to conduct professional activities and/or continue studies in the doctoral (third cycle) studies.

Professional studies are the studies providing a professional qualification. The graduates of the bachelor’s (first cycle) studies who comply with other requirements set out by the University are admitted to these studies. The University provides one study programme of professional studies – Pedagogy Studies; its volume is 60 study credits; the duration of studies is 1 year. The studies are completed by the final project of professional studies; the qualification of a teacher is awarded to the graduates providing them with the right to work at the educational institutions.

Additional studies are for the persons who have acquired a professional bachelor’s degree at the college or the bachelor’s degree at the university and aim to study in the master’s (second cycle) studies. The volume and duration of the required additional studies are indicated for each specific master’s study programme. The volume is 30 to 60 study credits and the duration is at least one semester. The persons who hold the bachelor’s degree are admitted to the additional studies. The person is admitted with the status of an unclassified student. After completion of the additional studies, the student receives a certificate providing the right to apply to the master’s studies of the corresponding study field.

Transfer studies at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) offer students the opportunity to continue their education at KTU by transferring from another institution. This option allows students to start their studies from a subsequent semester, utilizing credits from modules they have already completed elsewhere.

Exchange studies at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) allow students from partner universities to spend one or two semesters in undergraduate or postgraduate programs, benefiting from over 300 Erasmus+ and bilateral agreements globally.

Preparatory courses are intensive academic courses designed to help you prepare, and support you throughout, your university studies. The core components of the courses focus on the skills required to function independently and effectively in a university environment.


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