Bachelor’s and Integrated studies

Bachelor’s studies are the first cycle studies. The individuals who have secondary education and comply with other requirements set out by the University are admitted to these studies. The volume of the study programmes is 180 or 240 study credits; the duration of full-time studies is 3 or 4 years. The studies are completed by the bachelor’s final degree project and the graduates are awarded the bachelor’s qualification degree equivalent of the level six of the Lithuanian Qualifications Framework and providing the right to perform professional activities and/or continue studies in the master’s (second cycle) studies. The list of the bachelor’s study programmes offered by the University is available here.


Integrated studies include the first and second cycle studies. The individuals who have secondary education, pass the entrance examination and comply with other requirements set out by the University are admitted to these studies. The University provides one study programme of integrated studies – Architecture in the volume of 300 study credits; the duration of studies is 5 years. The studies are completed by the final degree project and the graduates are awarded the master’s qualification degree equivalent of the level seven of the Lithuanian Qualifications Framework and providing the right to perform professional activities and/or continue studies in the doctoral (third cycle) studies.



Admission of foreign citizens


  1. During the institutional admission of foreign citizens, the persons are only admitted to the state non-funded positions of studies at the University to study the full-time study programmes provided in the English language.
  2. The institutional admission of foreign citizens is conducted from 16th of October 2023.
  3. The dates of the admission procedures are established by the Rector’s order and announced on the website – here.
  4. The applications for participation in the competition are only admitted online (electronic application form) on the website at
  5. While submitting an application, it is mandatory to fill in all the required data and submit electronic copies of all the required documents.
  6. The electronic copies of the following documents are submitted while submitting the application for the institutional admission of foreign citizens:
    1. A passport or, in case of the citizen of the European Union, personal ID card;
    2. A valid temporary or permanent residence permit to live in the Republic of Lithuania or another state of the European Union, if the applicant has one;
    3. A photograph for a document;
    4. A maturity certificate and its supplement or other documents certifying secondary education – for admission to the study programmes of the first cycle (Bachelor’s) studies and the study programmes of the second cycle (Master’s) studies; diploma and its supplement – for admission to the study programmes of the second cycle (Master’s) studies;
    5. A certificate of the acknowledgement of the education equivalent to the educational system of the Republic of Lithuania issued by the SKVC if it is received before the submission of the application for studies at the University (if the applicant does not have this certificate, before the submission of the application for studies at the University, the qualification acknowledgement will be performed under the procedure established at the University);
    6. A certificate of the knowledge of the English language, if any;
    7. Other documents certifying education, if any;
    8. Proof of research/artistic activities, if any;
    9. Proof of work experience, if any;
    10. A document certifying the change of surname or name if not all the submitted documents are issued in the same surname or name.
  7. The documents issued in languages other than Lithuanian or English have to be translated into one of these languages and approved under the procedure stipulated by the law.
  8. The applicant specifies the preferences in the application in descending order of priorities. Indication of the title of the study programme and the study is considered a preference. The applicant can specify up to three preferences in the application.
  9. The International Studies Office is responsible for the transfer (conversion) of the marks if the documents of the acquired education apply an evaluation system other than the one usually used in the Lithuanian educational system. The transfer of the marks is performed according to the guidelines approved by the SKVC ( under the procedure established at the University.
  10. An application’s examination begins when the University receives the notification of the paid application fee from the bank.
  11. The information about the procedure of admission and studies of foreign citizens at the University is provided and the consultations regarding the choice of the study programme are provided at the International Studies Office on working days 13:00-17:00. Contacts of the International Studies Office: Studentų St. 50 – Student Info Center, LT-51368 Kaunas; tel.+370 676 42 276 ; email
  12. Admission rules for 2024 intake can be found here.

Admission to state-funded positions


  1. The persons who have acquired their education at foreign institutions can be admitted to the state-funded positions of studies under the procedure of competition if they are:
    1. Citizens of the Republic of Lithuania, other States of the European Union or the European Economic Area or their family members;
    2. Citizens of the Republic of Lithuania, other States of the European Union or the European Economic Area and stateless persons who have a permanent residence permit for living in the Republic of Lithuania;
    3. Foreigners of Lithuanian origin.
  2. The copies of the following documents are attached to the application:
    1. ID card or passport;
    2. To the persons applying to the first cycle and integrated studies via centralised admission (LAMA PBO) – a certificate of the acknowledgement of the acquired education equivalent to the educational system of the Republic of Lithuania issued by the Study Quality Evaluation Centre (hereinafter – SKVC) and a certificate of the identification of the equivalent subjects and the transfer (conversion) of the evaluation marks;
    3. To the persons applying to the second cycle studies – a certificate of the acknowledgement of the acquired education equivalent to the educational system of the Republic of Lithuania issued by the SKVC if it is received before the submission of the application for studies at the University or a certificate of the qualification acknowledgement issued by the University prepared before the submission of the application for studies at the University;
    4. A certificate of the passed test of the Lithuanian language at level C1 issued by Vilnius University or a certificate of level B2 issued by a competent institution (embassy, municipality school or officially registered Lithuanian community in the country) certifying the knowledge of the Lithuanian language if the studies to which the applicant is applying are organised in the Lithuanian language and the person has not taken the state examination of the Lithuanian language and literature under the educational programme of the international organisation. The document and its official translation has to be submitted in the Lithuanian, English or Russian language;
    5. A certificate certifying the level of the English language issued by IELTS, TOEFL, CEFR or another competent institution within the last 2 years if the studies the applicant is applying to are organised in the English language and the person has not taken the state examination of the English language;
    6. A certificate or another document certifying the Lithuanian origin issued by the Lithuanian community of the country from which the applicant arrives or another competent institution (embassy, etc.) if the person is a foreigner of Lithuanian origin. The document and its official translation has to be submitted in the Lithuanian, English or Russian language;
  3. The admission procedures for the persons who comply with the criteria stipulated above are provided in the Admission Rules.
  4. In order to receive more information on application process with state funding possibilities please contact us via

Minimum requirements

  1. The persons complying with the following requirements are eligible for admission to the study programmes of the first cycle and integrated studies:
  2. Secondary education;
    1. Minimum average grade (CGPA) > 60 % in each entry subject;
    2. Passed one state or equivalent examination of any subject or the entrance examination organised by the University (Appendix 5 to Admission Rules);
    3. If the English language is not the person’s native language, the knowledge of the English language is at least at level B2, according to CEFR, IELTS evaluation of at least 5.5 if the individual evaluations of all the components are at least 5.5, TOEFL iBT evaluation is at least 75 or equivalent level of other international examinations of the English language determined within the last two years;
    4. To the persons who acquired the secondary education before 2018, it is required to pass the entrance examinations organised by the University compliant with the components of the competition score of their preferred study programme (Appendix 5 to the Admission Rules);
    5. Additional requirements can be applied depending on the country in which the applicant has acquired the secondary education (more information is available here).

Composition of entry score


The competition score of the applicants to the study programmes of the first cycle and integrated studies consists of the evaluations of the subjects provided in their maturity certificate or equivalent document and the evaluations of the entrance examinations organised by the University and the motivation assessment, if applied. The components of the competition score and their weighted coefficients are provided in Appendix 5 to the Admission Rules.

Academic recognition of foreign qualifications


Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) is appointed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Lithuania for a recognition of foreign qualifications for the purposes of further studies at KTU.

Academic recognition refers to determining the academic value of a qualification, i.e. it determines whether the foreign qualification, in principle, meets general academic requirements for a similar qualification in Lithuania.

The recognition of foreign qualifications procedure at the University is being fulfilled according to Guidelines of the Procedure for Assessment of Education and Qualifications Concerning Higher Education and Acquired under Educational Programmes of Foreign States and International Organizations (approved by the Order No. A-126 of the Rector of Kaunas University of Technology, on 6 of April 2022).

Academic recognition is carried out in accordance with the Lisbon Recognition Convention and its subsidiary documents. Additional information is available at: The principles of the Convention have been transferred into the Guidelines of the Procedure for Academic Recognition of KTU.

Full information on academic recognition.

Other useful sites:

Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC)

EAR Manual of HEIs

Application for 2023 intake

Start End
Application period October 15th, 2023 June 30th, 2024
Start of studies September 1st, 2024

Financial information

Payment of the fees


  1. The foreign citizens who participate in the institutional admission of foreign citizens have to pay an application fee. The application fee is non-refundable after the registration of the application for participation in the competition. The reference number from the personal invoice of application fee must be indicated in the payment purpose.
  2. Upon the receipt of the invitation to studies, an advance tuition fee for the first year of studies (60 credits) has to be paid within the specified deadline, before making a learning agreement.

The application and tuition fee payments can be completed via bank transfer using the credentials indicated in issued invoice.

The annual price for the first and second cycle and integrated studies to the foreign citizens who agree to pay a full tuition fee is approved by the decree of the University’s Senate and announced on the University’s website- here.

Tuition fees

Tuition fees indicated below applies to students starting studies at KTU on 2024-2025 academic year.


Study field/group of study fields Price/year Price/credit*
Business and Public Administration study field groups, Economics, Political Sciences, Communication, Linguistics study fields 2954€ 49,23€
Engineering Sciences, Technology Sciences, Informatics Sciences, Physical Sciences, Mathematics Sciences study field groups, Education Sciences study field group, Translations study field 3836€ 63,93€
Architecture study field** 5204€ 86,73€

* – Specific annual tuition fee is accumulated according to the amount of study credits planned for the semester.
** – Price indicated for the first part of Integrated study programme (240 credits). Tuition fee for the second part of Integrated study programme (241-300 credits) is 6634 Euros/year.



Scholarship for international applicants


Kaunas University of Technology offers full or partial tuition fee waiver for candidates with outstanding results depending on their chosen study programme.


Awarded to students with

  • strong academic record
  • motivation.


These scholarships are open to all international applicants.


All perspective students who submitted their application through University’s application system ( will automatically become candidates to receive scholarship.


The application for full tuition fee waivers closes together with the latest deadline of application for studies, 30 June 2023. The receivers of the scholarship will be announced latest in the middle of July. We will contact those who receive the scholarships individually.

Ministry of Education and Science of Mongolia

The memorandum of understanding (MoU) establishes a partnership between Kaunas University of Technology and the Education Loan Fund under the Ministry of Education and Science of Mongolia. It aims to foster international cooperation in education and research. Under this agreement, Mongolian students selected and supported by the Education Loan Fund with scholarships from the Ministry of Education and Science of Mongolia will have the opportunity to pursue bachelor’s study programs conducted in English at the Kaunas University of Technology.

This initiative allows Mongolian students to enroll in various bachelor’s programs offered in English by the university, provided they meet the admission criteria specified by the respective faculties or institutes. The agreement covers the academic years 2023/24 and 2024/25 initially, with the potential for extension upon mutual consent.

Talent scholarship


University’s Talent Scholarships are awarded to the most active students, who achieve exceptional results in their studies, research or art projects, who are active in extra-curricular activities in the areas of business, innovations and social activities that promote KTU name.All bachelor‘s and master‘s students, as well as integrated and non-degree studies students can participate in the Talent Scholarship competition, except for the bachelor‘s students in their first year’s first semester.
Amount of the University’s Talent Scholarship is 250 EUR per month. The total amount of support allocated per semester is 1,000 EUR.

Erasmus+ scholarship


The Erasmus+ Programme is an initiative run by the European Union (EU). Erasmus+ provides opportunities for students to study or gain work experience in a different European country while completing a degree.As an Erasmus+ student you can spend up to 12 month abroad and receive a scholarship from 520 EUR to 450 EUR per month (the amount depends on the host country).

Incentive scholarship


One-time Incentive Scholarship is being awarded for active promotion of the University‘s name by taking part in various activities. The awardees are being named by Faculty Dean’s order and authorised by the Rector.One-time target scholarships are awarded for a purposeful activity representing University:

  • Participation in international and/or national scientific conferences, seminars, Olympiads, projects or other events
  • Representation of the University at international and/or national sport, art and/or competitions of public organisations, conventions or another kind of events

One-time target scholarships are awarded to students by Vice-Dean’s order, authorised by Rector, of by Dean’s order, authorised by Rector.

Social scholarship


One-time Social Scholarships are awarded to the students, who are in a difficult financial situation due to:

  • Illness,
  • Illness or death of a family member,
  • Natural disaster or loss of property,
  • In other exceptional cases.

The scholarship amount is up to 980 EUR.

Accommodation grant


KTU students, who are living in the non-renovated dormitories, who have difficult material or social situation and do not pay more than 96 Eur for a room can apply for a dormitory accommodation grant.

Documents to be submitted:
1. request
2. documents, supporting the circumstances indicated in the request:
2.1. certificate on family composition
2.2. certificate on family’s and (or) person’s calculated and paid salary and other benefits (from the municipality)
2.3. other documents supporting student’s material and/or social status

Applied monthly Accommodation Grant for one person at the dormitory is determined by the commission.

Scanned documents have to be submitted in your AIS by the 20th of each month at the latest.


F.A.Q. Bachelor's studies

Eligibility of a candidate is assessed once the documents are submitted on our Online Application System ( and the application has been reviewed. You may find all of the entry requirements  in the description of each study program. The country specific requirements can be found here:

Once the application fee has been paid and confirmed, the application is reviewed within 2 – 3 working days. Also, you will be informed about any further steps, required documents and online tests.

Minimum average grade (CGPA) should be no less than 60 % in each entry subject.

You can apply for the TRP (Temporary Residence Permit) as soon as the Final Acceptance Letter and a Mediation letter have been issued. Please note that Conditional Letter does not grant you with the opportunity to start the TRP process.

We do have several scholarship options for KTU students. Please see them here:


Kaunas University of Technology offers free of charge Bachelor or Master studies for the candidates with outstanding results (students with a strong academic record and motivation). These scholarships are open to all international applicants. All perspective students who submitted their applications will automatically become candidates to receive this type of scholarship.

The results of the scholarship will be announced, once the application period is closed and all of the applications are reviewed and evaluated.

In order to transfer your studies to KTU, you need to be eligible and provide the necessary documents. First of all, you have to ask your current university to provide you with a transcript of records and course descriptions, in order for the relevant Faculty to compare the programmes accordingly. Once you have the necessary documents collected, please apply through our application system, submit all the required documents and pay the application fee (100 EUR).Once you will do this, your application will be reviewed and the decision will be made.

Please keep in mind that you need to submit your previous qualification documents as well.

Accepted proof of proficiency for BA study programmes:

Cambridge English, IELTS, TOEFL or other equivalent IELTS ≥5.5, TOEFL ≥75, CEFR ≥B2, IESOL B2, or equivalent or Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) standardised admission test.

If your previous studies have been fully in English and it is indicated in your degree certificate, transcript of records, or confirmation from the school, an additional English test may not be required.

If an applicant does not have any official English test result, KTU may do an online examination free of charge.

Yes, KTU does offer intensive English preparatory courses. You can find description of the programme here:–b2.


Please keep in mind, that the preparatory courses are linked with the full degree programmes. Meaning, if you will start a preparatory course with us, you will also need to continue your degree studies at our university and meet the requirements of the study programme you would like to join after the English course. In your application on please add English preparatory classes to your application together with the study programme you would like to study.

As per TRP and University requirements, the tuition fee must be covered for the first academic year, prior to your arrival to Lithuania. From the 2nd year the tuition fee can be paid in instalments (once per semester).

Yes, KTU has several dormitories, where the students can stay. Please find more information here:

You can reserve a place at the KTU dormitory once you  will receive login data to the University’s Academic Information System. Usually this data is provided a couple of weeks before the start of the semester.

Accommodation is not included in the tuition fee; therefore, it has to be covered at your own cost. More information on KTU dormitories can be found here:

No, the tuition fee only covers the fee for your studies and does not include accommodation or food.

The applications are opened twice a year. The first application period starts from the mid of January for Autumn Intake (school year starts in September). The second application period starts at the beginning of October for Spring Intake (school year starts in February).

Yes, it is possible to ask for a refund of the tuition fees in case of TRP refusal. Please note that after filling the refund form, it may take up to one or two months for the refund to reach your account.

Yes, a 100% refund could be done before the start of the school year. It may not be possible to get a 100% refund, if you have already started your studies. Each case is individually evaluated by the relevant faculty.

Yes, at the beginning of studies each freshman will receive an e-mail from a mentor, who will help out to get acquainted with the city and the student life.

We have a Study@KTU Ambassadors program, where our current students and alumni are ready to answer questions about the studies and share their experiences about living in Lithuania. You can contact them here:

All of the documents must be submitted through our application system

As per TRP requirements, the tuition fee must be covered for the first academic year, prior to your arrival to Lithuania. If the tuition fee is not paid, you are not provided with a mediation letter for the TRP application.

You should apply for the TRP through VFS Global center. Please find more information here:

If your country is included in the Hague Convention your documents can be certified with an Apostille.

If your country is not included in the Hague Convention and your documents cannot be certified with an Apostille, you need to proceed with the double legalization. First, your document must be legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country where the document was issued. Second, the document must be legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania.

Yes, KTU Centre of Foreign languages organises Lithuanian language courses for foreigners. Duration of the courses: 40 academic hours (2 academic hours 2 times a week). Classes are taught by KTU lecturers.



International Studies Office

Studentų st. 50 – Student Info Center, Kaunas, LT-51368
Email address: