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Electrical Power Engineering

Acquired competences and knowledge enables the Masters of the programme to establish new companies providing electrical power services, implement strategic energy projects, perform research, design, production technological work at supply, management, planning and strategic departments of the companies of electrical engineering and other industrial areas, design new energy facilities at design organisations, scientific research institutes and laboratories.

The Master+ model offers either to masterpiece in the chosen discipline by choosing the Field Expert track or to strengthen the interdisciplinary skills by choosing the Interdisciplinary Expert track emphasising managerial skills or a choice of a different competence to compliment the chosen discipline and achieve a competitive advantage in one’s career.

Location Kaunas
Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Cycle Second cycle
Field Electrical Engineering
Language Lithuanian, English
Form Full-time studies - 2 y. (evening-time; cyclic, blended learning)
Degree awarded Master of Engineering Sciences
Flexible learning pathways Interdisciplinary competence
Yearly Price  i Full-time studies - 5538 €
  • Polytechnic University of Valencia
  • Brno University of Technology
  • Aalto University
  • Linkoping University

International Studies Office
Student Info Center
Studentų St. 50, LT-51368 Kaunas

Entry requirements

Minimum requirements

University bachelor degree certificate

Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, Informatics or Physical Sciences study field degree; and ≥18 ECTS completed in the Electronics engineering, Electrics engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Informatics or Informatics engineering study field subjects.

Language CGPA

IELTS ≥6.0, TOEFL ≥85, CEFR ≥C1, or previously completed studies in english language.

Average grade (CGPA) > 60 %

Additional requirements

Often you can get a suitable transcript of bachelor degree from your school. If this is not the case, you will need official translations along with verified copies of the original.

The entry qualification documents are accepted in the following languages: English / Russian.

The documents must be legalised (Apostille) by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country where the documents were issued. This requirement does not apply for the documents issued in the EU and Belarus, Ukraine.


Score structure

Component Coefficient
First component of the competition score

Average grade(CGPA) of University‘s Bachelor’s degree (min. length – 180 ECTS) and its supplement


Second component of the competition score

Motivation letter and online interview


Additional component for the competition score:

Additional points can be added to the competition score for the following activities:

  • science activities (scientific publications, presentations at scientific conferences, participation in exhibitions, work in student science society or science group etc.) or art activities (publication or realization of artwork, participation in art exhibitions, contests of architecture) (up to 2 points);
  • at least 1 year work experience in the field of study programme (0,5 points);
  • partial studies in the higher education institution abroad with ≥24 ECTS completed (0,5 points);
  • graduated from academic talent development program in higher education institution (for example “GIFTed talent academy”) (0,5 points);
  • bachelor’s or master’s (if integrated study programme is completed) degree diploma with honors (0,5 points).

Points from the same criteria are only added once. Points from different criteria are added up. The maximum score from additional points criteria can be no higher than 4.


Tuition fee

The indicated tuition fee is applied to 2025-2026 academic year.

Full-time studies 5538 €
Price per credit 92,3 €
Foreign nationals with Lithuanian origins and EU citizens
Full-time studies 5538 €
Price per credit 92,3 €
Partial tuition fee waiver can be applied for the study price.


Financial support





Module of the study programme by semesters


Systems – electrical power systems, structure of the systems, system management, information systems in energy, system modelling, system analysis, reliability and quality of the systems, cybersecurity of energy systems
Electrical power – generation, transfer, distribution, use
Processes and phenomena – transition processes, energy transformation, electromagnetic fields
Elements – energy converters, renewable energy sources, transmission network facilities, distribution network facilities, relay protection, lighting equipment
System Management Design of Energy Facilities and Equipment Installation and Maintenance of Equipment Design, Installation and Operation of Energy Converters


Programme values

Why @KTU?

Strong area of research

Strong engagement in research in the fields of sustainable environment of ergonomic systems, micro-networks and intelligent electrical power systems, energy transducers, etc.

Why @KTU?

Close collaboration with industrial partners

Outstanding links with local electrical power industry (Litgrid, Lietuvos energija, ESO) for cooperative placement, collaborative research and employment.

Why @KTU?


Master+ model offers either to masterpiece in the specialisation or to strengthen managerial/interdisciplinary skills by choosing individual set of competencies required for career.


Student’s competences:
– Knowledge of qualitative and quantitative principles of operating modes, organisation and management of energy systems;
– Analysis of new and sustainable principles of electricity generation, transmission and distribution technologies and assessment of the possibilities of their use;
– Identification and assessment of energy problems, provision of solutions;
– Design and management of energy systems, efficient use of renewable energy sources for generation, transmission and use of electricity and thermal energy.


Student’s skills:
– Able to plan and manage energy economy of distribution networks and companies, design and operate electricity and thermal energy supply systems and solve financial tasks;
– Able to make engineering decisions assessed in terms of ethics, social norms, environmental protection and safety;
– Able to manage various technological processes and technical systems of energy system.

You may become

– Design of electrical installation and circuits, preparation of drawings according to the provided list of technical specifications;
– Preparation of detailed estimations of the amount of materials, costs and labour costs required for production and installation according to the provided list of technical specifications;
– Technical control of production, installation, use, maintenance and repair of electrical systems and equipment, planning of installation methods, inspection of safety and control of the installed equipment, equipment’s initial start-up.






International Studies Office
Student Info Center
Studentų St. 50, LT-51368 Kaunas